Early traumatic experiences are linked to hypersexual behavior and erectile dysfunction in men through the mediation of body uneasiness and general psychopathology
2024 Cassioli E.; Tarchi L.; Rossi E.; Faldi M.; Dani C.; Giuranno G.; Siviglia S.; Baroncelli A.; Maggi M.; Vignozzi L.; Giraldi A.; Ricca V.; Castellini G.
From early relational experiences to non-suicidal self-injury in anorexia and bulimia nervosa: a structural equation model unraveling the role of impairments in interoception
2024 Lucherini Angeletti L, Cassioli E, Tarchi L, Dani C, Faldi M, Martini R, Ricca V, Castellini G, Rossi E
Linking Embodiment Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa.
2023 Tarchi, L., Rossi, E., Faldi, M., Cassioli, E., Ricca, V., Castellini, G
Longitudinal Coupling between Eating Disorder Psychopathology and Depression in Patients with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa Treated with Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A One-Year Follow-Up Study
2023 Cassioli E, Rossi E, Martelli M, Arganini F, Giuranno G, Siviglia S, Tarchi L, Faldi M, Castellini G, Ricca V
Longitudinal trends of body composition in Anorexia Nervosa: Cardiac functioning impacts the restoration of fat-free mass at three-months follow-up
2024 Tarchi L, Cassioli E, Rossi E, Faldi M, D'Areglia E, Maiolini G, Nannoni A, Scheggi V, Alterini B, Ricca V, Castellini G
The menstrual distress questionnaire (MEDI-Q): reliability and validity of the English version
2023 Cassioli E, Rossi E, Melani G, Faldi M, Rellini AH, Wyatt RB, Oester C, Vannuccini S, Petraglia F, Ricca V, Castellini G