Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica
Challenges and opportunities for the employment of workers with disabilities: A systematic approach
2022 Finstad G.L.; Giorgi G.; Zaffina S.; Foti G.; Arcangeli G.; Mucci N.
Covid-19 pandemic as a traumatic event and its associations with fear and mental health: A cognitive-activation approach
2021 Sanchez-Gomez M.; Giorgi G.; Finstad G.L.; Urbini F.; Foti G.; Mucci N.; Zaffina S.; Leon-Perez J.M.
Economic stress at work: Its impact over absenteeism and innovation
2021 Sanchez-Gomez M.; Giorgi G.; Finstad G.L.; Alessio F.; Ariza-Montes A.; Arcangeli G.; Mucci N.
Identifying psychosocial risks and protective measures for workers’ mental wellbeing at the time of covid-19: A narrative review
2021 Lulli L.G.; Giorgi G.; Pandolfi C.; Foti G.; Finstad G.L.; Arcangeli G.; Mucci N.
Intrapreneurial self-capital. An overview of an emergent construct in organizational behaviour
2019 Alessio F.; Finstad G.L.; Giorgi G.; Lulli L.G.; Traversini V.; Lecca L.I.
Resilience, coping strategies and posttraumatic growth in the workplace following covid-19: A narrative review on the positive aspects of trauma
2021 Finstad G.L.; Giorgi G.; Lulli L.G.; Pandolfi C.; Foti G.; Leon-Perez J.M.; Cantero-Sanchez F.J.; Mucci N.