Ingegneria Industriale
A combined comfort and safety-based approach to assess the performance of advanced driver assistance functions
2025 Michelangelo Santo Gulino, Giulio Vichi, Federica Cecchetto, Luigi Di Lillo, Dario Vangi
A fuzzy approach to reconstructing vehicle-pedestrian collisions
2009 D. Vangi
A non-invasive procedure for preliminary evaluation of acoustoultrasonic response in monitoring structural failure
A Post- Failure Model for Composite Laminate Based on Phenomenologic Aspects of the Damage
1994 A. Mazzeranghi; D. Vangi
A practical application of ultrasonic thermal stress monitoring in continuous welded rails
2007 D. Vangi; A. Virga
A simplified model for analysis of post-impact motion of vehicles
2013 dario vangi
A vehicle model for crash stage simulation
2018 Dario Vangi, Filippo Begani, Michelangelo-Santo Gulino, Florian Spitzhüttl
Adaptive intervention logic for automated driving systems based on injury risk minimization
2020 Dario Vangi, Antonio Virga, Michelangelo-Santo Gulino
ADAS-assisted driver behaviour in near missing car-pedestrian accidents
2016 Vangi, Dario; Virga, Antonio; Conigliaro, Mattia; Steffan, Hermann; Tomasch, Ernst
Amplification of laser diode-induced photoacoustic signals for non-destructive testing of mechanical components
2021 Michelangelo-Santo Gulino, Luca Banelli, Dario Vangi
An automatic system for measuring residual stresses by the drilled‐hole method
1994 Valentini, E.; Vangi, D.
An injury risk-based comprehensive framework for testing and assessing ADAS functions in critical road scenarios
2024 Gulino, Michelangelo-Santo; Vichi, Giulio; Lillo, Luigi Di; Gianfelici, Alessandro; Vangi, Dario
An Interdisciplinary Double-Diamond Design Thinking Model for Urban Transport Product Innovation: A Design Framework for Innovation Combining Mixed Methods for Developing the Electric Microvehicle “Leonardo Project”
2024 Sara Viviani, Michelangelo-Santo Gulino, Alessandra Rinaldi, Dario Vangi
An Ultrasonic Technique for Monitoring Automotive Components
1997 R. Lopes; A. Mazzeranghi; G. Ronchiato; D. Vangi
An ultrasonic-controlled tightening method
1996 A.Mazzeranghi;D.Vangi
Analisi cinematica da filmati reali della partenza da fermo di autoveicoli e motoveicoli
2009 S. Solombrino; D. Vangi; A. Virga
Analisi degli incidenti reali: valutazione della sicurezza passiva dei veicoli
2016 Vangi, D.; Ranfagni, S.
Analisi sperimentale dello sfarfallamento in un motore da enduro
2010 E.Tilli; D.Vangi; A.Varrocchi; A.Virga
Analysis of mechanics of side impact test defined in UN/ECE Regulation 129
2017 Baranowski, Pawel; Damaziak, Krzysztof; Mazurkiewicz, Lukasz; Malachowski, Jerzy; Muszynski, Artur; Vangi, Dario
Answer to the letter to the editor by R.M. Brch "Comments on energy loss in vehicle to vehicle impact by Dario Vangi"
2010 Dario Vangi