Scienze Giuridiche (DSG)
'Time Will Tell Who Just Fell and Who’s Been Left Behind’: On the Clash between the International Court of Justice and the Italian Constitutional Court
2016 Frulli, Micaela
A Turning Point in International Efforts to Apprehend War Criminals: The UN Mandates Taylor`s Arrest in Liberia
2006 M. FRULLI
Advancing International Criminal Law. The Special Court for Sierra Leone Recognizes Forced Marriage as a ‘New’ Crime against Humanity
2008 M.Frulli
Advancing the protection of cultural property through The implementation of individual criminal responsibility: The case-law of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 2005
2005 M. FRULLI
2009 M.Frulli
Antonio Cassese and Srebrenica
2016 Micaela Frulli; Luisa Vierucci
Are Crimes against Humanity more Serious than War Crimes?
2001 M. FRULLI
Article 1 − Purposes, definitions, equality and non-discrimination, general obligations
2023 Micaela Frulli
Article 2 – Scope of the Convention
2023 Micaela Frulli
Chapter 1 The Challenge of Outlining the CBRN Definitional Framework
2022 Micaela Frulli
Cooperation of States
2009 M.Frulli
Diritto internazionale (manuale di Antonio cassese, terza edizione)
2017 Micaela, Frulli
Diritto internazionale penale
2019 Micaela Frulli
Diritto internazionale, nuova edizione del volume di A.Cassese
2021 Micaela Frulli
Distruzione dei beni culturali e crimine di genocidio: l'evoluzione della giurisprudenza del Tribunale penale internazionale per la ex- Jugoslavia
2007 M.Frulli
Exploring the Applicability of Command Responsibility to Private Military Contractors
2010 M.Frulli
Fact-Finding or Paving the Road to Criminal Justice?
2012 M.Frulli
Fidel Castro (Spain)
2009 M.Frulli
Finding a Proper Role for the “Civilian-Use Model”
2009 M.Frulli
For all or for some? Functional immunity of State officials before the International Law Commission - Introduction to the Symposium
2015 Micaela Frulli