Scienze Politiche e Sociali
"Beyond War and Peace. New Perspectives on International Politics, Order and Learning Processes in the "Long" 20th Century"
2024 Patrick Cohrs
"Pax Americana"
2020 Patrick Cohrs
A Pivotal Power. The United States in the International System of the Inter-War Period
2011 Patrick Cohrs
A Transformative Power. New Perspectives on the Role of the United States in the First World War
2020 Patrick Cohrs
Adam von Trott’s Noble Quest and Futile Mission. Transnational Aspirations for a New European Order and the Fight against Hitler
2011 Patrick Cohrs
British World Order Strategies. The Lessons of Paris and Locarno, 1919 – 1925
2023 Patrick O. Cohrs
Contours of a “New World Order”? American and European Perspectives
2003 Patrick Cohrs
Der Wiener Kongress und die Neuordnung der internationalen Politik. Europäische und globale Perspektiven
2015 Patrick Cohrs
Keine Pax Atlantica Das Ringen um eine atlantische Friedens- und Sicherheitsordnung – ein Schlüsselproblem der Neuordnungsprozesse von 1919
2023 Patrick O. Cohrs
Keine „Pax Atlantica“ für das 20. Jahrhundert Das Ringen um eine atlantische Friedensordnung – ein Schlüsselproblem der Neuordnungsprozesse von 1919
2023 Patrick Cohrs
Le conseguenze di Le conseguenze economiche della pace di Keynes
2009 Patrick Cohrs
On Learning, Progress and Global Order: Reflections on International Politics in the ‘Long’ Twentieth Century
2024 Patrick Ossian Cohrs
Power and Rules: Elements of a New World Order
2004 Patrick Cohrs
The Crucible of the 20th Century: a Reassessment of the Causes and Outbreak of the First World War
2006 Patrick Cohrs
The First ‘Real’ Peace Settlements after the First World War: Britain, the United States and the Accords of London and Locarno, 1923–1925
The Locarno Conference of 1925
2016 Patrick Cohrs
The New Atlantic Order. The Transformation of International Politics 1860–1933
2022 Patrick Cohrs
The Quest for a New Concert of Europe
2004 Patrick Cohrs
The Search for a Legitimate Equilibrium. British Pursuits of European Stability and a New International Order after the First World War
2015 Patrick Ossian Cohrs
The Unfinished Peace after World War I
2006 Patrick Ossian Cohrs