We have studied the process e(+)e(-)-->n gamma (n greater than or equal to 2) at centre-of-mass energies of 161.3 GeV and 172.1 GeV. The analysis is based on a sample of events collected by the L3 detector in 1996 corresponding to total integrated luminosities of 10.7 pb(-1) and 10.1 pb(-1) respectively. The observed rates of events with two and more photons and the characteristic distributions are in good agreement with the Standard Model expectations. This is used to set lower limits on contact interaction energy scale parameters, on the QED cut-off parameters and on the mass of excited electrons. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Hard-photon production at root s=161 and 172 GeV at LEP / M. Acciarri;O. Adriani;M. AguilarBenitez;S. Ahlen;J. Alcaraz;G. Alemanni;J. Allaby;A. Aloisio;G. Alverson;M. G. Alviggi;G. Ambrosi;H. Anderhub;V. P. Andreev;T. Angelescu;F. Anselmo;A. Arefiev;T. Azemoon;T. Aziz;P. Bagnaia;L. Baksay;S. Banerjee;S. Banerjee;K. Banicz;A. Barcyzk;R. Barillere;L. Barone;P. Bartalini;A. Baschirotto;M. Basile;R. Battiston;A. Bay;F. Becattini;U. Becker;F. Behner;J. Berdugo;P. Berges;B. Bertucci;B. L. Betev;S. Bhattacharya;M. Biasini;A. Biland;G. M. Bilei;J. J. Blaising;S. C. Blyth;G. J. Bobbink;R. Bock;A. Bohm;L. Boldizsar;B. Borgia;D. Bourilkov;M. Bourquin;S. Braccini;J. G. Branson;V. Brigljevic;I. C. Brock;A. Buffini;A. Buijs;J. D. Burger;W. J. Burger;J. Busenitz;A. Button;X. D. Cai;M. Campanelli;M. Capell;G. C. Romeo;G. Carlino;A. M. Cartacci;J. Casaus;G. Castellini;F. Cavallari;N. Cavallo;C. Cecchi;M. Cerrada;F. Cesaroni;M. Chamizo;Y. H. Chang;U. K. Chaturvedi;S. V. Chekanov;M. Chemarin;A. Chen;G. Chen;G. M. Chen;H. F. Chen;H. S. Chen;X. Chereau;G. Chiefari;C. Y. Chien;L. Cifarelli;F. Cindolo;C. Civinini;I. Clare;R. Clare;H. O. Cohn;G. Coignet;A. P. Colijn;N. Colino;V. Commichau;S. Costantini;F. Cotorobai;B. delaCruz;A. Csilling;T. S. Dai;R. DAlessandro;R. deAsmundis;A. Degre;K. Deiters;D. dellaVolpe;P. Denes;F. DeNotaristefani;D. DiBitonto;M. Diemoz;D. vanDierendonck;F. DiLodovico;C. Dionisi;M. Dittmar;A. Dominguez;A. Doria;M. T. Dova;D. Duchesneau;P. Duinker;I. Duran;S. Dutta;S. Easo;Y. Efremenko;H. ElMamouni;A. Engler;F. J. Eppling;F. C. Erne;J. P. Ernenwein;P. Extermann;M. Fabre;R. Faccini;S. Falciano;A. Favara;J. Fay;O. Fedin;M. Felcini;B. Fenyi;T. Ferguson;F. Ferroni;H. Fesefeldt;E. Fiandrini;J. H. Field;F. Filthaut;P. H. Fisher;I. Fisk;G. Forconi;L. Fredj;K. Freudenreich;C. Furetta;Y. Galaktionov;S. N. Ganguli;P. GarciaAbia;S. S. Gau;S. Gentile;N. Gheordanescu;S. Giagu;S. Goldfarb;J. Goldstein;Z. F. Gong;A. Gougas;G. Gratta;M. W. Gruenewald;V. K. Gupta;A. Gurtu;L. J. Gutay;B. Hartmann;A. Hasan;D. Hatzifotiadou;T. Hebbeker;A. Herve;W. C. vanHoek;H. Hofer;S. J. Hong;H. Hoorani;S. R. Hou;G. Hu;V. Innocente;K. Jenkes;B. N. Jin;L. W. Jones;P. deJong;I. JosaMutuberria;A. Kasser;R. A. Khan;D. Kamrad;Y. Kamyshkov;J. S. Kapustinsky;Y. Karyotakis;M. Kaur;M. N. KienzleFocacci;D. Kim;D. H. Kim;J. K. Kim;S. C. Kim;Y. G. Kim;W. W. Kinnison;A. Kirkby;D. Kirkby;J. Kirkby;D. Kiss;W. Kittel;A. Klimentov;A. C. Konig;A. Kopp;I. Korolko;V. Koutsenko;R. W. Kraemer;W. Krenz;A. Kunin;P. L. deGuevara;I. Laktineh;G. Landi;C. Lapoint;K. LassilaPerini;P. Laurikainen;M. Lebeau;A. Lebedev;P. Lebrun;P. Lecomte;P. Lecoq;P. LeCoultre;J. M. LeGoff;R. Leiste;E. Leonardi;P. Levtchenko;C. Li;C. H. Lin;W. T. Lin;F. L. Linde;L. Lista;Z. A. Liu;W. Lohmann;E. Longo;W. Lu;Y. S. Lu;K. Lubelsmeyer;C. Luci;D. Luckey;L. Luminari;W. Lustermann;W. G. Ma;M. Maity;G. Majumder;L. Malgeri;A. Malinin;C. Mana;D. Mangeol;S. Mangla;P. Marchesini;A. Marin;J. P. Martin;F. Marzano;G. G. G.;D. McNally;R. R. McNeil;S. Mele;L. Merola;M. Meschini;W. J. Metzger;M. vonderMey;Y. Mi;A. Mihul;A. J. W.;G. Mirabelli;J. Mnich;P. Molnar;B. Monteleoni;R. Moore;S. Morganti;T. Moulik;R. Mount;S. Muller;F. Muheim;A. J. M.;S. Nahn;M. Napolitano;F. NessiTedaldi;H. Newman;T. Niessen;A. Nippe;A. Nisati;H. Nowak;Y. D. Oh;H. Opitz;G. Organtini;R. Ostonen;C. Palomares;D. Pandoulas;S. Paoletti;P. Paolucci;H. K. Park;I. H. Park;G. Pascale;G. Passaleva;S. Patricelli;T. Paul;M. Pauluzzi;C. Paus;F. Puass;D. Peach;Y. J. Pei;S. Pensotti;D. PerretGallix;B. Petersen;S. Petrak;A. Pevsner;D. Piccolo;M. Pieri;J. C. Pinto;P. A. Piroue;E. Pistolesi;V. Plyaskin;M. Pohl;V. Pojidaev;H. Postema;N. Produit;D. Prokofiev;G. RahalCallot;N. Raja;P. G. Rancoita;M. Rattaggi;G. Raven;P. Razis;K. Read;D. Ren;M. Rescigno;S. Reucroft;T. vanRhee;S. Riemann;K. Riles;A. Robohm;J. Rodin;B. P. Roe;L. Romero;S. RosierLees;P. Rosselet;W. vanRossum;S. Roth;J. A. Rubio;D. Ruschmeier;H. Rykaczewski;J. Salicio;E. Sanchez;M. P. Sanders;M. E. Sarakinos;S. Sarkar;M. Sassowsky;C. Schafer;V. Schegelsky;S. SchmidtKaerst;D. Schmitz;P. Schmitz;N. Scholz;H. Schopper;D. J. Schotanus;J. Schwenke;G. Schwering;C. Sciacca;D. Sciarrino;L. Servoli;S. Shevchenko;N. Shivarov;V. Shoutko;J. Shukla;E. Shumilov;A. Shvorob;T. Siedenburg;D. Son;A. Sopczak;B. Smith;P. Spillantini;M. Steuer;D. P. Stickland;A. Stone;H. Stone;B. Stoyanov;A. Straessner;K. Strauch;K. Sudhakar;G. Sultanov;L. Z. Sun;G. F. Susinno;H. Suter;J. D. Swain;S. W. Tang;L. Tauscher;L. Taylor;S. C. C.;S. M. Ting;M. Tonutti;S. C. Tonwar;J. Toth;C. Tully;H. Tuchscherer;K. L. Tung;Y. Uchida;J. Ulbricht;U. Uwer;E. Valente;R. T. VandeWalle;G. Vesztergombi;I. Vetlitsky;G. Viertel;M. Vivargent;R. Volkert;H. Vogel;H. Vogt;I. Vorobiev;A. A. Vorobyov;A. Vorvolakos;M. Wadhwa;W. Wallraff;J. C. Wang;X. L. Wang;Z. M. Wang;A. Weber;F. Wittgenstein;S. X. Wu;S. Wynhoff;J. Xu;Z. Z. Xu;B. Z. Yang;C. G. Yang;X. Y. Yao;J. B. Ye;S. C. Yeh;J. M. You;A. Zalite;Y. Zalite;P. Zemp;Y. Zeng;Z. Zhang;Z. P. Zhang;B. Zhou;G. Y. Zhu;R. Y. Zhu;A. Zichichi;F. Ziegler. - In: PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B. - ISSN 0370-2693. - STAMPA. - 413:(1997), pp. 159-166. [10.1016/S0370-2693(97)01081-2]
Hard-photon production at root s=161 and 172 GeV at LEP
We have studied the process e(+)e(-)-->n gamma (n greater than or equal to 2) at centre-of-mass energies of 161.3 GeV and 172.1 GeV. The analysis is based on a sample of events collected by the L3 detector in 1996 corresponding to total integrated luminosities of 10.7 pb(-1) and 10.1 pb(-1) respectively. The observed rates of events with two and more photons and the characteristic distributions are in good agreement with the Standard Model expectations. This is used to set lower limits on contact interaction energy scale parameters, on the QED cut-off parameters and on the mass of excited electrons. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.I documenti in FLORE sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.