We report on a search for R-parity breaking effects due to supersymmetric tau-sneutrino exchange in the reactions e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-) and e(+)e(-) --> mu(+)mu(-) at centre-of-mass energies from 91 GeV to 172 GeV, using the L3 detector at LEP. No evidence for deviations from the Standard Model expectations of the measured cross sections and forward-backward asymmetries for these reactions is found. Upper Limits for the couplings lambda(131) and lambda(232), for sneutrino masses up to m(<(nu)over bar>tau) less than or equal to 190GeV are determined from an analysis of the expected effects due to tau sneutrino exchange. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Search for R-parity breaking sneutrino exchange at LEP / M. Acciarri;O. Adriani;M. Aguilar-Benitez;S. Ahlen;J. Alcaraz;G. Alemanni;J. Allaby;A. Aloisio;G. Alverson;M. G. Alviggi;G. Ambrosi;H. Anderhub;V. P. Andreev;T. Angelescu;F. Anselmo;A. Arefiev;T. Azemoon;T. Aziz;P. Bagnaia;L. Baksay;S. Banerjee;S. Banerjee;K. Banicz;A. Barczyk;R. Barillere;L. Barone;P. Bartalini;A. Baschirotto;M. Basile;R. Battiston;A. Bay;F. Becattini;U. Becker;F. Behner;J. Berdugo;P. Berges;B. Bertucci;B. L. Betev;S. Bhattacharya;M. Biasini;A. Biland;G. M. Bilei;J. J. Blaising;S. C. Blyth;G. J. Bobbink;R. Bock;A. Bohm;L. Boldizsar;B. Borgia;D. Bourilkov;M. Bourquin;S. Braccini;J. G. Branson;V. Brigljevic;I. C. Brock;A. Buffini;A. Buijs;J. D. Burger;W. J. Burger;J. Busenitz;A. Button;X. D. Cai;M. Campanelli;M. Capell;G. C. Romeo;G. Carlino;A. M. Cartacci;J. Casaus;G. Castellini;F. Cavallari;N. Cavallo;C. Cecchi;M. Cerrada;F. Cesaroni;M. Chamizo;Y. H. Chang;U. K. Chaturvedi;S. V. Chekanov;M. Chemarin;A. Chen;G. Chen;G. M. Chen;H. F. Chen;H. S. Chen;X. Chereau;G. Chiefari;C. Y. Chien;L. Cifarelli;F. Cindolo;C. Civinini;I. Clare;R. Clare;H. O. Cohn;G. Coignet;A. P. Colijn;N. Colino;V. Commichau;S. Costantini;F. Cotorobai;B. d. la;A. Csilling;T. S. Dai;R. D'Alessandro;R. d. Asmundis;A. Degre;K. Deiters;D. d. Volpe;P. Denes;F. DeNotaristefani;D. DiBitonto;M. Diemoz;D. v. Dierendonck;F. D. Lodovico;C. Dionisi;M. Dittmar;A. Dominguez;A. Doria;M. T. Dova;D. Duchesneau;P. Duinker;I. Duran;S. Dutta;S. Easo;Y. Efremenko;H. E. Mamouni;A. Engler;F. J. Eppling;F. C. Erne;J. P. Ernenwein;P. Extermann;M. Fabre;R. Faccini;S. Falciano;A. Favara;J. Fay;O. Fedin;M. Felcini;B. Fenyi;T. Ferguson;F. Ferroni;H. Fesefeldt;E. Fiandrini;J. H. Field;F. Filthaut;P. H. Fisher;I. Fisk;G. Forconi;L. Fredj;K. Freudenreich;C. Furetta;Y. Galaktionov;S. N. Ganguli;P. Garcia-Abia;S. S. Gau;S. Gentile;N. Gheordanescu;S. Giagu;S. Goldfarb;J. Goldstein;Z. F. Gong;A. Gougas;G. Gratta;M. W. Gruenewald;V. K. Gupta;A. Gurtu;L. J. Gutay;B. Hartmann;A. Hasan;D. Hatzifotiadou;T. Hebbeker;A. Herve;W. C. van;H. Hofer;S. J. Hong;H. Hoorani;S. R. Hou;G. Hu;V. Innocente;K. Jenkes;B. N. Jin;L. W. Jones;P. d. Jong;I. Josa-Mutuberria;A. Kasser;R. A. Khan;D. Kamrad;Y. Kamyshkov;J. S. Kapustinsky;Y. Karyotakis;M. Kaur;M. N. Kienzle-Focacci;D. Kim;D. H. Kim;J. K. Kim;S. C. Kim;Y. G. Kim;W. W. Kinnison;A. Kirby;D. Kirby;J. Kirby;D. Kiss;W. Kittel;A. Klimentov;A. C. Konig;A. Kopp;I. Korolko;V. Koutsenko;R. W. Kraemer;W. Krenz;A. Kunin;P. L. de;I. Laktineh;G. Landi;C. Lapoint;K. Lassila-Perini;P. Laurikainen;M. Lebeau;A. Lebedev;P. Lebrun;P. Lecomte;P. Lecoq;P. L. Coultre;H. J. Lee;J. M. Le;R. Leiste;E. Leonardi;P. Levtchenko;C. Li;C. H. Lin;W. T. Lin;F. L. Linde;L. Lista;Z. A. Liu;W. Lohmann;E. Longo;W. Lu;Y. S. Lu;K. Lubelsmeyer;C. Luci;D. Luckey;L. Luminari;W. Lustermann;W. G. Ma;M. Maity;G. Majumder;L. Malgeri;A. Malinin;C. Mana;D. Mangeol;S. Mangla;P. Marchesini;A. Marin;J. P. Martin;F. Marzano;G. G. G.;D. McNally;R. R. McNeil;S. Mele;L. Merola;M. Meschini;W. J. Metzger;M. v. der;Y. Mi;A. Mihul;A. J. W.;H. Milcent;G. Mirabelli;J. Mnich;P. Molnar;B. Monteleoni;R. Moore;S. Morganti;T. Moulik;R. Mount;S. Muller;F. Muheim;A. J. M.;S. Nahn;M. Napolitano;F. Nessi-Tedaldi;H. Newman;T. Niessen;A. Nippe;A. Nisati;H. Nowak;Y. D. Oh;H. Opitz;G. Organtini;R. Ostonen;C. Palomares;D. Pandoulas;S. Paoletti;P. Paolucci;H. K. Park;I. H. Park;G. Pascale;G. Passaleva;S. Patricelli;T. Paul;M. Pauluzzi;C. Paus;F. Pauss;D. Peach;Y. J. Pei;S. Pensotti;D. Perret-Gallix;B. Petersen;S. Petrak;A. Pevsner;D. Piccolo;M. Pieri;P. A. Piroue;E. Pistolesi;V. Plyaskin;M. Pohl;V. Pojidaev;H. Postema;N. Produit;D. Prokofiev;G. Rahal-Callot;N. Raja;P. G. Rancoita;M. Rattaggi;G. Raven;P. Razis;K. Read;D. Ren;M. Rescigno;S. Reucroft;T. v. Rhee;S. Riemann;K. Riles;A. Robohm;J. Rodin;B. P. Roe;L. Romero;S. Rosier-Lees;P. Rosselet;W. v. Rossum;S. Roth;J. A. Rubio;D. Ruschmeier;H. Rykaczewski;J. Salicio;E. Sanchez;M. P. Sanders;M. E. Sarakinos;S. Sarkar;M. Sassowsky;C. Schafer;V. Schegelsky;S. Schmidt-Kaerst;D. Schmitz;P. Schmitz;N. Scholz;H. Schopper;D. J. Schotanus;J. Schwenke;G. Schwering;C. Sciacca;D. Sciarrino;L. Servoli;S. Shevchenko;N. Shivarov;V. Shoutko;J. Shukla;E. Shumilov;A. Shvorob;T. Siedenburg;D. Son;A. Sopczak;B. Smith;P. Spillantini;M. Steuer;D. P. Stickland;A. Stone;H. Stone;B. Stoyanov;A. Straessner;K. Strauch;K. Sudhakar;G. Sultanov;L. Z. Sun;G. F. Susinno;H. Suter;J. D. Swain;X. W. Tang;L. Tauscher;L. Taylor;S. C. C.;S. M. Ting;M. Tonutti;S. C. Tonwar;J. Toth;C. Tully;H. Tuchscherer;K. L. Tung;Y. Uchida;J. Ulbricht;U. Uwer;E. Valente;R. T. Van;G. Vesztergombi;I. Vetlitsky;G. Viertel;M. Vivargent;R. Volkert;H. Vogel;H. Vogt;I. Vorobiev;A. A. Vorobyov;A. Vorvolakos;M. Wadhwa;W. Wallraff;J. C. Wang;X. L. Wang;Z. M. Wang;A. Weber;F. Wittgenstein;S. X. Wu;S. Wynhoff;J. Xu;Z. Z. Xu;B. Z. Yang;C. G. Yang;X. Y. Yao;J. B. Ye;S. C. Yeh;J. M. You;A. Zalite;Y. Zalite;P. Zemp;Y. Zeng;Z. Zhang;Z. P. Zhang;B. Zhou;G. Y. Zhu;R. Y. Zhu;A. Zichichi;F. Ziegler. - In: PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B. - ISSN 0370-2693. - STAMPA. - 414:(1997), pp. 373-381. [10.1016/S0370-2693(97)01200-8]
Search for R-parity breaking sneutrino exchange at LEP
We report on a search for R-parity breaking effects due to supersymmetric tau-sneutrino exchange in the reactions e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-) and e(+)e(-) --> mu(+)mu(-) at centre-of-mass energies from 91 GeV to 172 GeV, using the L3 detector at LEP. No evidence for deviations from the Standard Model expectations of the measured cross sections and forward-backward asymmetries for these reactions is found. Upper Limits for the couplings lambda(131) and lambda(232), for sneutrino masses up to m(<(nu)over bar>tau) less than or equal to 190GeV are determined from an analysis of the expected effects due to tau sneutrino exchange. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.I documenti in FLORE sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.