The reaction e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-)gamma (*)gamma (*) --> e(+)e(-) hadrons for quasi-real photons is studied using data from roots = 183 GeV up to 202 GeV. Results on the total cross sections sigma (e(+)e(-) -->e(+)e(-) hadrons) and sigma (gamma gamma --> hadrons) are given for the two-photon centre-of-mass energies 5 GeV less than or equal to W gamma gamma less than or equal to 185 GeV, The total cross section of two real photons is described by a Regge parametrisation. We observe a steeper rise with the two-photon centre-of-mass energy as compared to the hadron-hadron and the photon-proton cross sections. The data are also compared to the expectations of different theoretical models. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Total cross section in gamma gamma collisions at LEP / M. Acciarri;P. Achard;O. Adriani;M. Aguilar-Benitez;J. Alcaraz;G. Alemanni;J. Allaby;A. Aloisio;M. G. Alviggi;G. Ambrosi;H. Anderhub;V. P. Andreev;T. Angelescu;F. Anselmo;A. Arefiev;T. Azemoon;T. Aziz;P. Bagnaia;A. Bajo;L. Baksay;A. Balandras;S. V. Baldew;S. Banerjee;S. Banerjee;A. Barczyk;R. Barillere;P. Bartalini;M. Basile;N. Batalova;R. Battiston;A. Bay;F. Becattini;U. Becker;F. Behner;L. Bellucci;R. Berbeco;J. Berdugo;P. Berges;B. Bertucci;B. L. Betev;S. Bhattacharya;M. Biasini;A. Biland;J. J. Blaising;S. C. Blyth;G. J. Bobbink;A. Bohm;L. Boldizsar;B. Borgia;D. Bourilkov;M. Bourquin;S. Braccini;J. G. Branson;F. Brochu;A. Buffini;A. Buijs;J. D. Burger;W. J. Burger;X. D. Cai;M. Capell;G. C. Romeo;G. Carlino;A. M. Cartacci;J. Casaus;G. Castellini;F. Cavallari;N. Cavallo;C. Cecchi;M. Cerrada;F. Cesaroni;M. Chamizo;Y. H. Chang;U. K. Chaturvedi;M. Chemarin;A. Chen;G. Chen;G. M. Chen;H. F. Chen;H. S. Chen;G. Chiefari;L. Cifarelli;F. Cindolo;C. Civinini;I. Clare;R. Clare;G. Coignet;N. Colino;S. Costantini;F. Cotorobai;B. d. la;A. Csilling;S. Cucciarelli;T. S. Dai;J. A. van;R. D'Alessandro;R. d. Asmundis;P. Deglon;A. Degre;K. Deiters;D. d. Volpe;E. Delmeire;P. Denes;F. DeNotaristefani;A. D. Salvo;M. Diemoz;M. Dierckxsens;D. v. Dierendonck;C. Dionisi;M. Dittmar;A. Dominguez;A. Doria;M. T. Dova;D. Duchesneau;D. Dufournaud;P. Duinker;H. E. Mamouni;A. Engler;F. J. Eppling;F. C. Erne;A. Ewers;P. Extermann;M. Fabre;M. A. Falagan;S. Falciano;A. Favara;J. Fay;O. Fedin;M. Felcini;T. Ferguson;H. Fesefeldt;E. Fiandrini;J. H. Field;F. Filthaut;P. H. Fisher;I. Fisk;G. Forconi;K. Freudenreich;C. Furetta;Y. Galaktionov;S. N. Ganguli;P. Garcia-Abia;M. Gataullin;S. S. Gau;S. Gentile;N. Gheordanescu;S. Giagu;Z. F. Gong;G. Grenier;O. Grimm;M. W. Gruenewald;M. Guida;R. v. Gulik;V. K. Gupta;A. Gurtu;L. J. Gutay;D. Haas;A. Hasan;D. Hatzifotiadou;T. Hebbeker;A. Herve;P. Hidas;J. Hirschfelder;H. Hofer;G. Holzner;H. Hoorani;S. R. Hou;Y. Hu;I. Iashvili;B. N. Jin;L. W. Jones;P. d. Jong;I. Josa-Mutuberria;R. A. Khan;D. Kafer;M. Kaur;M. N. Kienzle-Focacci;D. Kim;J. K. Kim;J. Kirkby;D. Kiss;W. Kittel;A. Klimentov;A. C. Konig;M. Kopal;A. Kopp;V. Koutsenko;M. Kraber;R. W. Kraemer;W. Krenz;A. Kruger;A. Kunin;P. L. de;I. Laktineh;G. Landi;M. Lebeau;A. Lebedev;P. Lebrun;P. Lecomte;P. Lecoq;P. L. Coulture;H. J. Lee;J. M. Le;R. Leiste;P. Levtchenko;C. Li;S. Likhoded;C. H. Lin;W. T. Lin;F. L. Linde;L. Lista;Z. A. Liu;W. Lohmann;E. Longo;Y. S. Lu;K. Lubelsmeyer;C. Luci;D. Luckey;L. Lugnier;L. Luminari;W. Lustermann;W. G. Ma;M. Maity;L. Malgeri;A. Malinin;C. Mana;D. Mangeol;J. Mans;G. Marian;J. P. Martin;F. Marzano;K. Mazumdar;R. R. McNeil;S. Mele;L. Merola;M. Meschini;W. J. Metzger;M. v. der;A. Mihul;H. Milcent;G. Mirabelli;J. Mnich;G. B. Mohanty;T. Moulik;G. S. Muanza;A. J. M.;B. Musicar;M. Musy;M. Napolitano;F. Nessi-Tedaldi;H. Newman;T. Niessen;A. Nisati;H. Nowak;R. Ofierzynski;G. Organtini;A. Oulianov;C. Palomares;D. Pandoulas;S. Paoletti;P. Paolucci;R. Paramatti;H. K. Park;I. H. Park;G. Passaleva;S. Patricelli;T. Paul;M. Pauluzzi;C. Paus;F. Pauss;M. Pedace;S. Pensotti;D. Perrot-Gallix;B. Petersen;D. Piccolo;F. Pierella;M. Pieri;P. A. Piroue;E. Pistolesi;V. Plyaskin;M. Pohl;V. Pojidaev;H. Postema;J. Pothier;D. O. Prokofiev;D. Prokofiev;J. Quartieri;G. Rahal-Callot;M. A. Rahaman;P. Raics;N. Raja;R. Ramelli;P. G. Rancoita;R. Ranieri;A. Raspereza;G. Raven;P. Razis;D. Ren;M. Rescigno;S. Reucroft;S. Riemann;K. Riles;J. Rodin;B. P. Roe;L. Romero;A. Rosca;S. Rosier-Lees;S. Roth;C. Rosenbleck;B. Roux;J. A. Rubio;G. Ruggiero;H. Rykaczewski;S. Saremi;S. Sarkar;J. Salicio;E. Sanchez;M. P. Sanders;C. Schafer;V. Schegelsky;S. Schmidt-Kaerst;D. Schmitz;H. Schopper;D. J. Schotanus;G. Schwering;C. Sciacca;A. Seganti;L. Servoli;S. Shevchenko;N. Shivarov;V. Shoutko;E. Shumilov;A. Shvorob;T. Siedenburg;D. Son;B. Smith;P. Spillantini;M. Steuer;D. P. Stickland;A. Stone;B. SToyanov;A. Straessner;K. Sudhakar;G. Sultanov;L. Z. Sun;S. Sushkov;H. Suter;J. D. Swain;Z. Szillasi;T. Sztaricskai;X. W. Tang;L. Tauscher;L. Taylor;B. Tellili;D. Teyssier;C. Timmermans;S. C. C.;S. M. Ting;S. C. Tonwar;J. Toth;C. Tully;K. L. Tung;Y. Uchida;J. Ulbricht;E. Valente;G. Vesztergombi;I. Vetlitsky;D. Vicinanza;G. Viertel;S. Villa;M. Vivargent;S. Vlachos;I. Vodopianov;H. Vogel;H. Vogt;I. Vorobiev;A. A. Vorobyov;A. Vorvolakos;M. Wadhwa;W. Wallraff;M. Wang;X. L. Wang;Z. M. Wang;A. Weber;M. Weber;P. Wienemann;H. Wilkens;S. X. Wu;S. Wynhoff;L. Xia;Z. Z. Xu;J. Yamamoto;B. Z. Yang;C. G. Yang;H. J. Yang;M. Yang;J. B. Ye;S. C. Yeh;A. Zalite;Y. Zalite;Z. P. Zhang;G. Y. Zhu;R. Y. Zhu;Z. Zichichi;G. Zilizi;B. Zimmermann;M. Zoller. - In: PHYSICS LETTERS. SECTION B. - ISSN 0370-2693. - ELETTRONICO. - 519:(2001), pp. 33-45. [10.1016/S0370-2693(01)01072-3]

Total cross section in gamma gamma collisions at LEP



The reaction e(+)e(-) --> e(+)e(-)gamma (*)gamma (*) --> e(+)e(-) hadrons for quasi-real photons is studied using data from roots = 183 GeV up to 202 GeV. Results on the total cross sections sigma (e(+)e(-) -->e(+)e(-) hadrons) and sigma (gamma gamma --> hadrons) are given for the two-photon centre-of-mass energies 5 GeV less than or equal to W gamma gamma less than or equal to 185 GeV, The total cross section of two real photons is described by a Regge parametrisation. We observe a steeper rise with the two-photon centre-of-mass energy as compared to the hadron-hadron and the photon-proton cross sections. The data are also compared to the expectations of different theoretical models. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
M. Acciarri;P. Achard;O. Adriani;M. Aguilar-Benitez;J. Alcaraz;G. Alemanni;J. Allaby;A. Aloisio;M. G. Alviggi;G. Ambrosi;H. Anderhub;V. P. ...espandi
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