Scienze della Terra  

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A multi-methodological approach to determine CO2 and CH4 fluxes and concentrations in solid waste disposal 2006 B. Nisi; F. Tassi; G. Montegrossi; O. Vaselli; F. Cuccoli; L. Lombardi; S. Moretti
A multi-statistical approach for estimating the total output of CO2 from diffuse soil degassing by the accumulation chamber method. 2016 Elío, J.; Ortega, M. F.; Nisi, Barbara; Mazadiego, L. F.; Vaselli, Orlando; Caballero, J.; Chacón, E.
A new approach for evaluating CO2-rich gas discharges as geosites: the Acquabolle (Florence, Italy) case study 2009 Pancioli V.; Nisi B.; Capecchiacci F.; Vaselli O.; Tassi F.; Moretti S.
A new low-cost and reliable method to evaluate the release of hg0 from synthetic materials 2020 Lazzaroni M.; Nisi B.; Rappuoli D.; Cabassi J.; Vaselli O.
Analysis of complex regional databases and their support in the identification of background/baseline compositional facies in groundwater investigation: Developments and application examples 2016 Nisi, Barbara; Buccianti, Antonella; Raco, Brunella; Battaglini, Raffaele
Application of CO2 carbon stable isotope analysis to ant trophic ecology 2020 Balzani P., Venturi S., Muzzicato D., Tassi F., Vaselli O., Frizzi F., Frasconi Wendt C., Nisi B., Masoni A., Santini G.
Boron pollution in the shallow groundwater system from Isola di Castelluccio (central-eastern, Tuscany): Evidences from a geochemical survey and new remediation perspectives from a recently-installed hydraulic barrier and hydrogeological modelling 2021 Lazzaroni M., Ceccatelli M., Rossato L., Nisi B., Venturi S., Fanti R., Tassi F., Vaselli O.
Bulk composition and leaching tests on an environmentally dangerous production residue (KEU) 2023 Orlando Vaselli,Federica Meloni,Barbara Nisi, Cabassi Jacopo, Panarese Marcello, Montegrossi Giordano, Fagiolino Ivan, Chiara Maccelli
Carbon isotopic signature of interstitial soil gases reveals the potential role of ecosystems in mitigating geogenic greenhouse gas emissions: Case studies from hydrothermal systems in Italy 2019 Venturi S., Tassi F., Magi F., Cabassi J., Ricci A., Capecchiacci F., Caponi C., Nisi B., Vaselli O.
Clues on the potential role of microbial communities in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from hydrothermal systems 2020 Venturi S., Tassi F., Magi F., Cabassi J., Ricci A., Capecchiacci F., Caponi C., Nisi B., Vaselli O.
CO2 biogeochemical investigation and microbial characterization of red wood ant mounds in a Southern Europe montane forest 2022 Paride Balzani, Alberto Masoni, Stefania Venturi, Filippo Frizzi, Marina Bambi, Renato Fani, Barbara Nisi, Franco Tassi, Orlando Vaselli, Marco Zaccaroni, Giacomo Santini
Deep Regional Fluid Pathways in an Extensional Setting: The Role of Transfer Zones in the Hot and Cold Degassing Areas of the Larderello Geothermal System (Northern Apennines, Italy) 2023 Taussi, M; Nisi, B; Brogi, A; Liotta, D; Zucchi, M; Venturi, S; Cabassi, J; Boschi, G; Ciliberti, M; Vaselli, O
Degradation of C2-C15 volatile organic compounds in a landfill cover soil 2009 Tassi F.; Montegrossi G.; Vaselli O.; Liccioli C.; Moretti S.; Nisi B.
Diffuse soil gas emissions of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from hydrothermal-volcanic systems: an innovative approach by using the static closed-chamber method 2016 Tassi F., Cabassi J., Calabrese S., Nisi B., Venturi S., Capecchiacci F., Giannini L., Vaselli O.
Discontinuous Geochemical Monitoring of the Galleria Italia Circumneutral Waters (Former Hg-Mining Area of Abbadia San Salvatore, Tuscany, Central Italy) Feeding the Fosso Della Chiusa Creek 2021 Orlando Vaselli; Marta Lazzaroni; Barbara Nisi; Jacopo Cabassi; Franco Tassi; Daniele Rappuoli; Federica Meloni
Divergent demographic patterns and perspectives for conservation of endemic species in extreme environments: a case study of the springsnail Melanopsis etrusca (Gastropoda: Melanopsidae) 2017 Bartolini, Fabrizio; Aquiloni, Laura; Nisi, Barbara; Nuccio, Caterina; Vaselli, Orlando; Cianfanelli, Simone
Effects of oxidative processes in cover soil of solid waste landfills on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) - Il ruolo dei suoli di copertura in discariche RSU (Rifiuti Solidi Urbani) nei processi ossidativi su composti organici volatili (COV) 2009 Tassi F.; Liccioli C.; Montegrossi G.; Vaselli O.; Nisi B.; Capecchiacci F.; Moretti S.
Environmental impact of past Hg mining activities in the Monte Amiata district, Italy: A summary of recent studies 2022 Alessia Nannoni; Federica Meloni; Marco Benvenuti; Jacopo Cabassi; Francesco Ciani; Pilario Costagliola; Silvia Fornasaro; Pierfranco Lattanzi; Marta Lazzaroni; Barbara Nisi; Guia Morelli; Valentina Rimondi; Orlando Vaselli
Flux measurements of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from the geothermal area of “Le Biancane” natural park (Monterotondo Marittimo, Grosseto, Italy): Biogeochemical processes controlling GEM emission 2021 Cabassi J.; Venturi S.; Di Bennardo F.; Nisi B.; Tassi F.; Magi F.; Ricci A.; Picchi G.; Vaselli O.
Gaseous Elemental Mercury (GEM) from mining areas and volcanic and geothermal systems in some Mediterranean areas: a preliminary study 2013 Jacopo Cabassi; Orlando Vaselli; Franco Tassi; Sergio Calabrese; Matteo Nocentini; Francesco Capecchiacci; Barbara Nisi; Oscar Matias Benavente Zolezzi; Daniele Rappuoli