Adaptive Design of Green Facades and Vertical Farm: Examples of Technological Integration of Microalgae for Energy Production in Resilient Architecture
2021 Antonella Trombadore, Beatrice Paludi, Michele D'Ostuni
Bridging interdisciplinary knowledge for sustainable urban landscapes: Results from the international student competition UrbanFarm2019
2020 Orsini F.; Pennisi G.; D'Alessandro A.; Kratochvilova D.; Steffan G.; Paoletti M.; Sabbatini G.; D'Ostuni M.; Trombadore A.; Gianquinto G.
Can cities provide food in the XXI century? A review on the role of building-integrated agriculture
2022 Orsini, F.; Appolloni, E.; D’Ostuni, Michele
Cities shaped by food - A new architectonic avant-guard
2019 D'Ostuni, M., Trombadore, A.
Coltivare in città: agricoltura urbana e sviluppo della pianificazione territoriale
2023 Michele D'Ostuni; Francesco Orsini
Dalle Superillas al Tactical Greenery.Sperimentazioni e strategie transcalari di rigenerazione vegetale dello spazio urbano
2022 Emanuela Coppola, Leonardo Zaffi, Michele D'Ostuni
Evaluating the impacts of nutrients recovery from urine wastewater in Building-Integrated Agriculture. A test case study in Amsterdam
2023 D'ostuni, M.; Stanghellini, C.; Boedijn, A.; Zaffi, L.; Orsini, F.
Food in the City: Enabling Integrated Solutions for Urban Agriculture and Food Production in Buildings
2021 Antonella Trombadore, Michele D'Ostuni, Francesco Orsini
From horizontal to vertical. Advanced food production in urban areas though vertical farming projects
2022 D'Ostuni, M., Zaffi, L.
Integrating Greenhouses into Buildings: A Renewed Paradigm for Circular Architecture and Urban Regeneration
2024 D'Ostuni, Michele; Zou, Tong; Sermarini, Allison; Zaffi, Leonardo
Introducing Building Integrated Agriculture as green/sustainable building concept in MENA countries: approach and constraints
2023 Djamaa, Yakouta; D’Ostuni, Michele; Bendjaballah, Ouassila
Metabolic cities of the future. Between Agriculture and Architecture; Città metaboliche del futuro. Fra Agricoltura e Architettura
2020 Leonardo Zaffi; MIchele D'Ostuni
Nurturing cities: pathways towards a circular urban agriculture
2021 D'Ostuni Michele; Zaffi leonardo
The energy of the green: green facades and vertical farm as dynamic envelope for resilient building
2019 Antonella Trombadore; Beatrice Paludi; Michele Dostuni
The Important Roles of Urban Agriculture
2022 Orsini, Francesco; D’Ostuni, Michele
The Policy Environment for Sustainable City-Region Food Systems (CRFS) - Factsheets
TOWARDS A PRODUCTIVE ARCHITECTURE High-tech food production technologies integrated in Architecture for the implementation of new circular Urban Agriculture models
2021 Michele D'Ostuni
Understanding the complexities of Building-Integrated Agriculture. Can food shape the future built environment?
2022 D’Ostuni, Michele.; Zaffi, L.; Appolloni, E.; Orsini, F.
Urban Agriculture and the journey towards UrbanFarm Challenge
2023 Michele D'Ostuni; Ilaria Zauli
UrbanFarm 2023: Integrating social, economic and environmental sustainability pillars for sustainable food systems and urban regeneration
2023 Francesco Orsini; Michele D'Ostuni; Ilaria Zauli; Giuseppina Pennisi; Marie Larsson; Anna María Pálsdóttir