A uniqueness result for a class of non-strictly convex variational problems
2017 Lussardi, Luca; Mascolo, Elvira
An inequality for L^2-norm of eingenfunction of linear second order ellipticequations
1982 L.Migliaccio; R. Schianchi; E. Mascolo
CIME Courses on Partial Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations
2007 E. Mascolo
Compactness result for weigthed Sobolev spaces
1983 E.Mascolo
Everywhere regularity for a class of vectorial functionals under subquadraticgeneral growth conditions
2003 F. Leonetti; E. Mascolo; F. Siepe
Everywhere regularity for vectorial functionals with general growth
2003 E. Mascolo; A. Migliorini
Everywhere regularity for vectorial integral with non standard growth
2004 E. Mascolo
Existence and regularity for elliptic equations under p,q-growth
2014 Cupini, Giovanni; Marcellini, Paolo; Mascolo, Elvira
Existence of minimizers for a class of quasiconvex functionals with nonstandard growth
2002 B. Bianconi; M. Focardi; E. Mascolo
Existence of minimizers for polyconvex and nonpolyconvex problems
2005 G.Cupini; E. Mascolo
Existence of weak solutions for elliptic systems with p,q-growth.
2015 Cupini, Giovanni; Leonetti, Francesco; Mascolo, Elvira
Existence results for a class of non coercive polyconvex integrals
1991 E. Mascolo
Existence results for non convex problems of the Calculus of Variations
1988 E. Mascolo
Existence theorems for non convex problems
1982 E. Mascolo; R. Schianchi
Existence theorems in Calculus of Variations
1987 E. Mascolo; R.Schianchi
Functionals of the Calculus of Variations with non standard growth conditions
1999 E. Mascolo; F. Siepe
Gradient regularity for minimizers of functionals under p−q subquadraticgrowth
2001 F. Leonetti; E. Mascolo; F. Siepe
Harnack inequality for minimizers of integral functionals with general growth conditions
Higher order non linear partial differential equations in unbounded do-mains of R^n
1979 D. Giachetti ; E. Mascolo; R. Schianchi
Introducion al Calcul de Variaciones
1999 M.I. Figueroa Lencina ;G. Estrada Odstrcil; E. Mascolo