Scienze della Terra
A new low-cost and reliable method to evaluate the release of hg0 from synthetic materials
2020 Lazzaroni M.; Nisi B.; Rappuoli D.; Cabassi J.; Vaselli O.
Boron pollution in the shallow groundwater system from Isola di Castelluccio (central-eastern, Tuscany): Evidences from a geochemical survey and new remediation perspectives from a recently-installed hydraulic barrier and hydrogeological modelling
2021 Lazzaroni M., Ceccatelli M., Rossato L., Nisi B., Venturi S., Fanti R., Tassi F., Vaselli O.
Continuous and near real-time measurements of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A new approach to investigate the 3D distribution of GEM in the lower atmosphere
2022 Orlando Vasell; Marta Lazzaroni
Discontinuous Geochemical Monitoring of the Galleria Italia Circumneutral Waters (Former Hg-Mining Area of Abbadia San Salvatore, Tuscany, Central Italy) Feeding the Fosso Della Chiusa Creek
2021 Orlando Vaselli; Marta Lazzaroni; Barbara Nisi; Jacopo Cabassi; Franco Tassi; Daniele Rappuoli; Federica Meloni
Environmental impact of past Hg mining activities in the Monte Amiata district, Italy: A summary of recent studies
2022 Alessia Nannoni; Federica Meloni; Marco Benvenuti; Jacopo Cabassi; Francesco Ciani; Pilario Costagliola; Silvia Fornasaro; Pierfranco Lattanzi; Marta Lazzaroni; Barbara Nisi; Guia Morelli; Valentina Rimondi; Orlando Vaselli
Exploring methane emission drivers in wetlands: The cases of Massaciuccoli and Porta lakes (Northern tuscany, Italy)
2021 Venturi S.; Tassi F.; Cabassi J.; Randazzo A.; Lazzaroni M.; Capecchiacci F.; Vietina B.; Vaselli O.
Factors governing travertine deposition in fluvial systems: The Bagni San Filippo (central Italy) case study
2021 Luo, LC; Capezzuoli, E; Vaselli, O; Wen, HG; Lazzaroni, M; Lu, ZP; Meloni, F; Kele, S
Investigating Hg dispersion in the environment: the experience from the abandoned mining area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Tuscany, central Italy)between research and remediation activitiesof natural and anthropic matrices.
2023 Marta Lazzaroni
Mercury distribution in environmental matrices (water, air, sediment) at former mining sites: the case study of the “Argento Vivo” mine (Levigliani, Apuan Alps)
2023 Cabassi Jacopo, Lazzaroni Marta, Cardone Federico, Meloni Federica, Capecchiacci Francesco,Randazzo Antonio, Vaselli Orlando, Tassi Franco
Risultati e interpretazione idrodinamica del monitoraggio in continuo delle sorgenti carsiche di Equi Terme (Alpi Apuane)
2015 Poggetti, Emilio; Lazzaroni, Marta; Verole, Mario; Piccini, Leonardo
Total and Leached Arsenic, Mercury and Antimony in the Mining Waste Dumping Area of Abbadia San Salvatore (Mt. Amiata, Central Italy)
2021 Federica Meloni; Giordano Montegrossi; Marta Lazzaroni; Daniele Rappuoli; Barbara Nisi; Orlando Vaselli