Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 11.950
EU - Europa 7.213
AS - Asia 1.296
AF - Africa 33
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
OC - Oceania 3
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 20.504
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.914
PL - Polonia 2.332
RU - Federazione Russa 2.191
SE - Svezia 940
IE - Irlanda 721
IT - Italia 413
SG - Singapore 390
HK - Hong Kong 268
CN - Cina 261
FI - Finlandia 174
DE - Germania 169
TR - Turchia 142
GB - Regno Unito 119
IN - India 102
UA - Ucraina 85
JO - Giordania 66
VN - Vietnam 54
CA - Canada 36
CI - Costa d'Avorio 25
BE - Belgio 22
NL - Olanda 11
AT - Austria 9
FR - Francia 9
EU - Europa 8
ES - Italia 6
IR - Iran 6
SC - Seychelles 6
CH - Svizzera 5
AU - Australia 3
JP - Giappone 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
KR - Corea 2
LT - Lituania 2
MU - Mauritius 2
BR - Brasile 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
GR - Grecia 1
RO - Romania 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 20.504
Città #
Santa Clara 2.879
Warsaw 2.332
Fairfield 1.533
Chandler 774
Dublin 718
Woodbridge 694
Ashburn 676
Seattle 617
Cambridge 578
Houston 524
Wilmington 460
Jacksonville 310
Singapore 279
Ann Arbor 246
Lawrence 221
Princeton 196
Medford 157
Altamura 142
Izmir 136
Boardman 124
Hong Kong 108
Beijing 87
Moscow 80
Mumbai 78
San Diego 76
Florence 60
Boston 56
Dong Ket 46
Dearborn 44
Kyle 43
Norwalk 42
Milan 41
New York 38
Shanghai 36
Toronto 30
Falls Church 29
Kent 29
Andover 28
Buffalo 27
Hillsboro 26
Abidjan 25
Helsinki 23
Brussels 22
London 17
Rome 15
Lappeenranta 14
Phoenix 14
West Jordan 14
Yubileyny 10
Pune 9
Vienna 9
Turin 8
Frankfurt Am Main 7
Guangzhou 7
Nanjing 7
Barcelona 6
Fuzhou 6
Los Angeles 6
Padova 6
Renton 6
Bern 5
Centrale 5
Hounslow 5
Redmond 5
Hefei 4
Kunming 4
Munich 4
Nuremberg 4
Redwood City 4
Romola 4
San Mateo 4
Acton 3
Chengdu 3
Chiswick 3
Leawood 3
Melbourne 3
Potenza Picena 3
Tappahannock 3
Tehran 3
Varese 3
Verona 3
Arezzo 2
Arnsberg 2
Bengaluru 2
Cagliari 2
Catania 2
Chennai 2
Chicago 2
Edinburgh 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Grevenbroich 2
Groningen 2
Jinan 2
Jinhua 2
Kiev 2
Kilburn 2
Longueuil 2
Montespertoli 2
Paris 2
Pellezzano 2
Totale 14.947
Nome #
Reconnection in a slow Coronal Mass Ejection 280
CCD cameras and Spacewire interfaces for HERSCHEL/SCORE suborbital mission 265
Magnetic reconnection processes induced by a CME expansion 261
Spectropolarimetric forward modelling of the lines of the Lyman-series using a self-consistent, global, solar coronal model 261
Multi Element Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy (METIS) coronagraph for the solar Orbiter mission 260
CMEs from AR 10365: Morphology and Physical Parameters of the Ejections and of the Associated Current Sheet 253
UVCS/SOHO investigation of the interface between streamers and coronal holes 248
Characterization of Materials for a Vacuum-Ultraviolet Polarization Analyzer 247
UV Transient Brightenings Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection 244
Solar polar x-ray jets and multiple bright points: evidence for sympathetic activity 242
HERSCHEL/SCORE, imaging the solar corona in visible and EUV light: CCD camera characterization 241
ASPIICS: an externally occulted coronagraph for PROBA-3: Design evolution 237
External occulter laboratory demonstrator for the forthcoming formation flying coronagraphs 230
Measurements and optimization of the occulting disk for the ASPIICS/PROBA-3 formation flying solar coronagraph 230
The Solar Cycle as Seen from the SOHO/UVCS White Light Channel 211
Determination of 3D Coronal Structures from UVCS/SOHO Synoptic Observations 204
SOHO∕ACE observations of two consecutive CMEs from the same source region 203
Birth, life, and death of a solar coronal plume 189
Hardware and software architecture on board solar orbiter/METIS: an update 174
UVCS/SOHO Empirical Determinations of Anisotropic Velocity Distributions in the Solar Corona 163
Scaled-model guidelines for formation-flying solar coronagraph missions 155
ASPIICS: an externally occulted coronagraph for PROBA-3: Design evolution 154
Formation flying metrology system for the ESA-PROBA3 mission: The Shadow Positioning Sensors (SPS) 153
Stray-light analyses of the METIS coronagraph on Solar Orbiter 151
METIS: A novel coronagraph design for the solar orbiter mission 144
Straylight analysis for the externally occulted Lyot solar coronagraph ASPIICS 140
UVCS WLC Observations of Compressional Waves in the South Polar Coronal Hole 137
CCD camera for ground- and space-based solar corona observations 134
SCORE CCD visible camera calibration for the HERSCHEL suborbital mission 133
Calibration of the liquid crystal visible-light polarimeter for the Metis/Solar Orbiter coronagraph 133
The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan. Translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action 130
A virtual appliance as proxy pipeline for the Solar Orbiter/Metis coronagraph 129
Optical performance of the Metis coronagraph on the Solar Orbiter ESA mission 128
Improved stray light suppression performance for the Solar Orbiter/METIS inverted external occulter 126
A Comprehensive Study of the Initiation and Early Evolution of a Coronal Mass Ejection from Ultraviolet and White-Light Data 126
Internal checkup illumination sources for METIS coronagraph on solar orbiter 126
An upper limit to the solar wind mass loading by X-ray polar jets 124
Test plan for the PROBA3/ASPIICS scaled model measurement campaign 124
Advanced spectroscopic and coronographic explorer: science payload design concept 121
KPol: liquid crystal polarimeter for K-corona observations from the SCORE coronagraph 121
Polarimetric calibrations and astronomical polarimetry in the V-band with Solar Orbiter/METIS instrument 121
Optical design of a hyperspectral drone advanced camera for soil monitoring using an electro-optical liquid crystal technology 120
The Helium Focusing Cone of the Local Interstellar Medium Close to the Sun 119
Stray light evaluation of the Ultraviolet and Visible-light Coronagraph Imager (UVCI) rocket prototype 119
Stray light calibration for the Solar Orbiter/Metis solar coronagraph 119
Evaluation of the stray light from the diffraction of METIS coronagraph external occulter 119
CCD cameras and Spacewire interfaces for HERSCHEL/SCORE suborbital mission 118
SCORE CCD visible camera calibration for the HERSCHEL suborbital mission 118
Density and Magnetic Field Signatures of Interplanetary 1/f Noise 117
The Nascent Solar Wind: Origin and Acceleration 117
Ulysses-UVCS Coordinated Observations 117
Stray-light analyses of the multielement telescope for imaging and spectroscopy coronagraph on Solar Orbiter 116
The Ultraviolet and Visible-light Coronagraph of the HERSCHEL experiment 116
Wide field of view liquid crystals-based modulator for the polarimeter of the Metis/Solar Orbiter 115
AntarctiCor: Solar Coronagraph in Antarctica for the ESCAPE Project 111
METIS: the visible and UV coronagraph for solar orbiter 111
Test of a multilayer-coated EUV grating for I-IV order spectroscopic measurements of the solar corona 110
ASPIICS/PROBA-3 formation flying solar coronagraph: Stray light analysis and optimization of the occulter 110
Mapping the solar wind HI outflow velocity in the inner heliosphere by coronagraphic ultraviolet and visible-light observations 110
Alignment procedure for the Gregorian telescope of the Metis coronagraph for the Solar Orbiter ESA mission 109
Stray light analysis of a reflecting UV coronagraph/polarimeter with multilayer optics 108
KPol: liquid crystal polarimeter for K-corona observations from the SCORE coronagraph 108
The optimization of the inverted occulter of the solar orbiter/METIS coronagraph/spectrometer 108
Recurrent flares in active region NOAA 11283 108
Ultraviolet and Visible-light Coronagraphic Imager (UVCI) 107
Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer Observation of the 1996 December 23 Coronal Mass Ejection 107
An improved version of the Shadow Position Sensor readout electronics on-board the ESA PROBA-3 Mission 107
Streamers and adjacent regions observed by UVCS/SOHO: A comparison between different phases of solar activity 106
Optical performances of the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer of the Solar Heliospheric Observatory 106
Physical parameters of standard and blowout jets 106
Stray-light analysis for the SCORE coronagraphs of HERSCHEL 106
Latitudinal and Radial Variation of Solar Corona Rotation at Solar Minimum 105
Waves and Magnetism in the Solar Atmosphere (WAMIS) 105
White-light stray light test of the SOHO UVCS 104
Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer for the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory: optical testings 104
Comparison of different algorithms and programming languages in the diffraction calculation for a coronagraph stray light analysis 103
Polarimetric calibrations and astronomical polarimetry in the V-band with Solar Orbiter/METIS instrument 103
An Empirical Model of a Polar Coronal Hole at Solar Minimum 103
Recent advances in electronics and software for the METIS coronagraph aboard Solar Orbiter 102
Comparison of Empirical Models for Polar and Equatorial Coronal Holes 102
Space applications of Si/B_4C multilayer coatings at extreme ultra-violet region; comparison with standard Mo/Si coatings 102
Preliminary tolerance analysis of the coronagraphic instrument METIS for the Solar Orbiter ESA mission 102
The telescope and the double Fabry-Pérot interferometer for the ADAHELI solar space mission. 102
Polarization characterization of LY alpha holographic gratings with a triple-reflection polarizer 101
Identification of the Coronal Sources of the Fast Solar Wind 101
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of a Coronal Mass Ejection 101
Optical measurements of the mirrors and of the interferential filter of the Metis coronagraph on Solar Orbiter 101
Polarimetry of the UV solar corona with ASCE 101
Stray light, radiometric, and spectral characterization of UVCS/SOHO: laboratory calibration and flight performance 101
Temporal Evolution of a Streamer Complex: Coronal and in Situ Plasma Parameters 101
Physical Structure of a Coronal Streamer in the Closed-Field Region as Observed from UVCS/SOHO and SXT/Yohkoh 100
Constraints on Coronal Outflow Velocities Derived from UVCS Doppler Dimming Measurements and in-Situ Charge State Data 100
Stray-light suppression in a reflecting white-light coronagraph 100
The Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer 100
SPECTRE: a spectro-heliograph for the transition region 100
First Results from the SOHO Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer 100
Effect of the non-uniform solar chromospheric Lyensuremathalpha radiation on determining the coronal H I outflow velocity 100
Scaled model guidelines for solar coronagraphs’ external occulters with an optimized shape 100
Coating and surface finishing definition for the Solar Orbiter/METIS inverted external occulter 98
Totale 13.777
Categoria #
all - tutte 58.138
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 58.138

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.889 0 0 0 0 0 366 361 418 311 164 221 48
2020/20212.665 232 171 178 186 479 289 66 120 251 254 189 250
2021/20221.298 96 80 125 35 82 62 56 73 63 51 217 358
2022/20233.116 354 550 102 221 283 614 394 122 315 35 90 36
2023/20241.088 55 146 233 66 97 141 23 153 31 74 41 28
2024/20256.162 305 943 530 1.140 3.134 110 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.647