Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie, Alimentari, Ambientali e Forestali (DAGRI)
Aesthetic foster our perception of every-day objects: an ERP study.
2016 Pierguidi, Lapo; Righi, Stefania; Gronchi, Giorgio; Messina, Silvia; Viggiano, Maria Pia
Aesthetic shapes our perception of every-day objects: An ERP study
2017 Righi, S; Gronchi, G.; Pierguidi, L.; Messina, S.; Viggiano, M.P.
Attentional bias for vegetables is negatively associated with acceptability and is related to sensory properties
2022 Agovi, Herdis; Pierguidi, Lapo; Dinnella, Caterina; Viggiano, Maria Pia; Monteleone, Erminio; Spinelli, Sara
Automatic and controlled attentional orienting in the elderly: A dual-process view of the positivity effect
2018 Gronchi, G.; Righi, S.*; Pierguidi, L.; Giovannelli, F.; Murasecco, I.; Viggiano, M.P.
Chemosensory quality and intensity reflected in implicit affective responses
2023 Pierguidi, L.; Prescott, J.; Spinelli, S.; Dinnella, C.; De Toffoli, A.; White, T.L.; Monteleone, E.
Co-creating innovative and accepted legume-based dishes for school canteens with adolescents in a low socioeconomic area
2025 Kokkorou, Margarita; Spinelli, Sara; Dinnella, Caterina; Pierguidi, Lapo; Wollgast, Jan; Maragkoudakis, Petros; Monteleone, Erminio
Combined influence of TAS2R38 genotype and PROP phenotype on the intensity of basic tastes, astringency and pungency in the Italian taste project
2022 Robino A.; Concas M.P.; Spinelli S.; Pierguidi L.; Tepper B.J.; Gasparini P.; Prescott J.; Monteleone E.; Gallina Toschi T.; Torri L.; Pagliarini E.; Gasperi F.; Dinnella C.
Current Perspectives in the Intersection between Emotion and Consciousness.
2015 Stefania, Righi; Pierguidi, Lapo
Designing and implementing 360 videos in higher education. A case study in the area of food science and technology
2021 Luzzi, D., Bruni, I., Pierguidi, L., Monteleone, E., Cuomo, S., Ranieri, M.
Development of an emoji-based self-report measurement tool to measure emotions elicited by foods in preadolescents
2022 Sick, Julia; Monteleone, Erminio; Dinnella, Caterina; Pierguidi, Lapo; Spinelli, Sara
Directed forgetting for faces: the role of inhibition and contextual information
2014 Pierguidi, Lapo; Righi, Stefania; Marzi, Tessa; Viggiano, Maria Pia
Dual process theory of reasoning and recognition memory errors: Individual differences in a memory prose task
2016 Gronchi, Giorgio; Righi, Stefania; Parrini, Giacomo ; Pierguidi, Lapo; Viggiano, Maria Pia
Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Starmerella bacillaris on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of sparkling pear cider (Perry)
2023 Guerrini, Simona; Galli, Viola; Barbato, Damiano; Facchini, Giulio; Mangani, Silvia; Pierguidi, Lapo; Granchi, Lisa
Emotion Recognition and Aging: Research Perspectives
2016 Pierguidi, Lapo; Righi, Stefania
Emotional contexts modulate intentional memory suppression of neutral faces: Insights from ERPs
2016 Pierguidi, Lapo; Righi, Stefania; Gronchi, Giorgio; Marzi, Tessa; Caharel, Stephanie; Giovannelli, Fabio; Viggiano, Maria Pia
Exploring the association between oral tactile sensitivity measures and phenotypic markers of oral responsiveness
2022 Mani E.; Ford R.; Pierguidi L.; Spinelli S.; Ramsey I.; Monteleone E.; Dinnella C.
Il video a 360° come supporto didattico. Un caso di studio nell’insegnamento di Analisi Sensoriale degli Alimenti
2022 Erminio Monteleone; Lapo Pierguidi
Individual differences in cocktail perception and appreciation
2020 Lapo Pierguidi
Individual differences in perceived complexity are associated with different affective responses to alcoholic cocktails
2019 Pierguidi, Lapo; Spinelli, Sara; Dinnella, Caterina; Prescott, John; Monteleone, Erminio
Individual variation in fungiform papillae density with different sizes and relevant associations with responsiveness to oral stimuli
2019 Piochi, M.; Pierguidi, L.; Torri, L.; Spinelli, S.; Monteleone, E.; Aprea, E.; Arena, E.; Borgogno, M.; Cravero, M.C.; Galassi, L.; Gatti, E.; Lozano, L.; Musi, V.; Piasentier, E.; Valli, E.; Dinnella, C.