Scienze della Terra
100 cartografie geologiche e geomorfologiche di dettaglio (1: 2.000-1:5.000) e sintesi a 1:10.000, con relative sezioni interpretative, dell’Alta Valle dell’Arno (Casentino e valle dell’Arno a N di Arezzo) -Progetti VEL e DOCUP – Servizio Sismico della Regione Toscana
2006 G.Principi; M.Sagri; S.Moretti; M.Benvenuti; P.Fabbroni; F.Garfagnoli; F.Menna; S.Del Conte; G.Nirta; S.Segoni; F.Tangocci; S.Iacomelli
A comparative study of empirical and machine learning approaches for soil thickness mapping in the Joshimath region (India)
2024 Gupta K.; Satyam N.; Segoni S.
A cost effective methodology for the rapid evaluation of the flood susceptibility along anthropized rivers
2015 Morelli S.; Battistini A.; Segoni S.; Manzo G.; Ermini L.; Catani F.
A methodological approach of QRA for slow-moving landslides at a regional scale
2022 Caleca F.; Tofani V.; Segoni S.; Raspini F.; Rosi A.; Natali M.; Catani F.; Casagli N.
A novel prototype national-scale landslide nowcasting system for Italy combining rainfall thresholds and risk indicators
2025 Segoni S.; Nocentini N.; Barbadori F.; Medici C.; Gatto A.; Rosi A.; Casagli N
A physically based slope stability simulator for HPC applications
2013 Rossi G.; Segoni S.; Tofani V.; Catani F.
A prototype landslide early warning system in Rize (Turkey): analyzing recent impacts to design a safer future
2023 Segoni S.; Serengil Y.; Aydin F.
A real time WebGIS landslide warning system based on a regional set of spatially variable rainfall threshold
2011 Segoni S.; Battistini A.; Rosi A.; Rossi G.; Catani F.
A regional landslide warning system based on spatially variable rainfall thresholds
2010 Segoni S.; Rossi G.; Rosi A.; Catani F.
A regional real time landslide warning system based on a set of spatially variable rainfall thresholds
2011 Segoni S.; Battistini A.; Rosi A.; Rossi G.; Catani F.
A regional real time landslide warning system based on spatially variable rainfall thresholds
2013 Segoni S.; Rosi A.; Battistini A.; Rossi G.; Catani F.
A regional-scale landslide warning system based on 20 years of operational experience
2018 Segoni S.; Rosi A.; Fanti R.; Gallucci A.; Monni A.; Casagli N.
A review of the recent literature on rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrence
2018 Segoni S.; Piciullo L.; Gariano S. L.
A role-playing game to complement teaching activities in an 'environmental impact assessment' teaching course
2022 Segoni S.
A soil depth prediction scheme for geomorphologic and hydrologic distributed modeling
2006 Catani F.; Segoni S.; Falorni G.
A statistical model based on rainfall thresholds for landslides forecasting: implementation in the alert systems of the Emilia Romagna region (Italy) for civil protection purposes
2011 Martelloni G.; Segoni S.; Fanti R.; Catani F.
A step beyond landslide susceptibility maps: a simple method to investigate and explain the different outcomes obtained by different approaches
2020 Xiao T.; Segoni S.; Chen L.; Yin K.; Casagli N.
A tool for classification and regression using random forest methodology: applications to landslide susceptibility mapping and soil thickness modeling
2017 Lagomarsino D.; Tofani V.; Segoni S.; Catani F.; Casagli N.
A tool for the automatic aggregation and validation of the results of physically based distributed slope stability models
2021 Bulzinetti M.A.; Segoni S.; Pappafico G.; Masi E.B.; Rossi G.; Tofani V.
Accurate basin scale soil depth modelling and its impact on shallow landslides prediction
2007 Catani F.; Segoni S; Falorni G.