Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 14.022
EU - Europa 11.190
AS - Asia 1.732
AF - Africa 50
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
SA - Sud America 5
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 27.007
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.999
PL - Polonia 5.795
RU - Federazione Russa 2.288
IE - Irlanda 804
IT - Italia 795
SE - Svezia 581
SG - Singapore 522
HK - Hong Kong 390
CN - Cina 279
FI - Finlandia 221
DE - Germania 218
IN - India 178
UA - Ucraina 157
GB - Regno Unito 148
VN - Vietnam 112
TR - Turchia 104
JO - Giordania 101
CH - Svizzera 92
CI - Costa d'Avorio 37
ES - Italia 27
CA - Canada 23
KR - Corea 22
FR - Francia 21
IR - Iran 14
NL - Olanda 14
SC - Seychelles 9
BE - Belgio 7
BG - Bulgaria 5
EU - Europa 5
GR - Grecia 4
MU - Mauritius 3
AT - Austria 2
HU - Ungheria 2
LT - Lituania 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PH - Filippine 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BR - Brasile 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IS - Islanda 1
JP - Giappone 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 27.007
Città #
Warsaw 5.792
Santa Clara 3.482
Fairfield 1.844
Ashburn 859
Dublin 804
Woodbridge 788
Chandler 770
Seattle 708
Cambridge 692
Wilmington 620
Houston 606
Singapore 407
Lawrence 389
Altamura 377
Princeton 257
Jacksonville 252
Ann Arbor 228
Hong Kong 219
Boardman 161
Medford 135
Mumbai 132
Boston 121
Moscow 112
New York 111
San Diego 110
Beijing 105
Florence 95
Dong Ket 90
Bern 88
Izmir 77
Buffalo 67
Norwalk 42
Phoenix 42
Falls Church 41
Abidjan 37
Munich 36
London 32
Shanghai 32
Milan 25
Lappeenranta 22
Andover 21
Helsinki 21
Hillsboro 21
Barcelona 19
Kent 18
Los Angeles 18
Yubileyny 18
Pune 17
Toronto 17
Redmond 11
Rome 11
Laurel 10
Tappahannock 10
Frankfurt Am Main 9
Guangzhou 9
Seongnam 9
Nanjing 8
Brussels 7
Centro 7
Isfahan 7
Auburn Hills 6
Chicago 6
Dearborn 6
Lucena 6
Redwood City 6
West Jordan 6
Düsseldorf 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Hangzhou 5
Kamianske 5
Lazise 5
Saint Petersburg 5
Seoul 5
Sofia 5
Fiesole 4
Prescot 4
Salerno 4
Scuola 4
Verona 4
Ferrara 3
Incisa 3
Kilburn 3
Kunming 3
Las Vegas 3
Nuremberg 3
Palermo 3
Paris 3
Pisa 3
Portland 3
San Jose 3
Sassari 3
Siena 3
St Louis 3
Trumbull 3
Agliana 2
Ancona 2
Auckland 2
Aversa 2
Bologna 2
Brescia 2
Totale 21.228
Nome #
Saharan dust contribution to PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 in urban and suburban areas of Rome: a comparison between single-particle SEM-EDS analysis and whole-sample PIXE analysis 286
AIRUSE-LIFE+: A harmonized PM speciation and source apportionment in five southern European cities 285
Saharan dust aerosol over the central Mediterranean Sea: PM10 chemical composition and concentration versus optical columnar measurements 285
Characterization of PM10 sources in the central Mediterranean 272
Characterization of airborne particulate matter in an industrial district near Florence by PIXE and PESA 271
Elemental characterization of PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 in the town of Genoa (Italy) 268
AIRUSE-LIFE +: Estimation of natural source contributions to urban ambient air PM10 and PM2. 5 concentrations in southern Europe - Implications to compliance with limit values 266
The new external beam facility for environmental studies at the Tandetron accelerator of LABEC 265
Daily and hourly chemical impact of springtime transboundary aerosols on Japanese air quality 265
Characterization of atmospheric aerosols at Monte Cimone, Italy, during summer 2004: Source apportionment and transport mechanisms 262
Evidence for heavy fuel oil combustion aerosols from chemical analyses at the island of Lampedusa: a possible large role of ships emissions in the Mediterranean 262
A mass closure and PMF source apportionment study on the sub-micron sized aerosol fraction at urban sites in Italy 256
Assessment of potential source regions of PM2.5 components at a southwestern Mediterranean site 256
A new methodological approach: The combined use of two-stage streaker samplers and optical particle counters for the characterization of airborne particulate matter 255
The impact of fireworks on airborne particles 254
ED-XRF set-up for size-segregated aerosol samples analysis 254
Elemental composition and source apportionment of particulate matter near a steel plant in Genoa (Italy). 252
PIXE analysis of PM10-2.5 and PM2.5 with hourly resolution from the Michelozzo's Courtyard in Palazzo Vecchio (Florence, Italy). 250
Chemical composition, impact from biomass burning, and mass closure for PM(2.5) and PM(10) aerosols at Hyytiala, Finland, in summer 2007 250
Presenting SAPUSS: Solving Aerosol Problem by Using Synergistic Strategies in Barcelona, Spain 250
A comprehensive assessment of PM emissions from paved roads: Real-world Emission Factors and intense street cleaning trials 249
Size and time-resolved roadside enrichment of atmospheric particulate pollutants 249
Is PIXE still a useful technique for the analysis of atmospheric aerosols? The LABEC experience 245
Saharan dust impact in central Italy: An overview on three years elemental data records 244
The new sample preparation line for radiocarbon measurements on atmospheric aerosol at LABEC 243
Fission and binary fragmentation reactions in Se-80+Pb-208 and Se-80+Th-232 systems 243
Hourly elemental concentrations in PM2.5 aerosols sampled simultaneously at urban background and road site during SAPUSS – diurnal variations and PMF receptor modelling 241
Hourly elemental composition and source identification of fine and coarse PM10 in an Italian urban area stressed by many industrial activities 239
Proton elastic scattering cross-sections on F, C and Li from 3 to 7 MeV 238
PIXE and XRF analysis of particulate matter samples: an inter-laboratory comparison 236
Desert dust outbreaks over Mediterranean basin: a modeling, observational, and synoptic analysis approach 234
High-time resolution and size-segregated elemental composition in high-intensity pyrotechnic exposures 229
PM10 source apportionment in the surroundings of the San Vicente del Raspeig cement plant complex in southeastern Spain 226
Evaporation and fission decay of (132)Ce compound nuclei at E(x)=122 MeV: some limitations of the statistical model 226
Measurements of gamma-ray emission induced by protons on fluorine and lithium 223
4-hours resolution data to study PM10 in a “hot spot” area in Europe 222
Geochemistry of PM10 over Europe during the EMEP intensive measurement periods in summer 2012 and winter 2013 220
Binary fragmentations of excited nuclear systems in the 372 MeV Fe-56+Th-232 reaction 218
PIXE and PIGE techniques for the analysis of Antarctic ice dust and continental sediments 217
Quantification of Saharan and local dust impact in an arid Mediterranean area by the positive matrix factorization (PMF) technique 214
Characterization of particulate matter sources in an urban environment’ 206
Nuclear techniques and the particulate matter pollution in big harbours 206
Constraining the ship contribution to the aerosol of the central Mediterranean 180
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives (nitro-PAHs, oxygenated PAHs, and azaarenes) in PM2.5 from Southern European cities 166
The upgraded external-beam PIXE/PIGE set-up at LABEC for very fast measurements on aerosol samples 166
Biomass burning contributions estimated by synergistic coupling of daily and hourly aerosol composition records 164
Introduction to the special issue "in-depth study of air pollution sources and processes within Beijing and its surrounding region (APHH-Beijing)" 164
An integrated approach to assess air pollution threats to cultural heritage in a semi-confined environment: The case study of Michelozzo's Courtyard in Florence (Italy). 145
Feasibility study of ED-XRF analysis of atmospheric particulate matter samples collected with high time resolution 145
A comparison between PIXE and ICP-AES measurements of metals in aerosol particulate collected in urban and marine sites in Italy 143
Exploiting multi-wavelength aerosol absorption coefficients in a multi-time resolution source apportionment study to retrieve source-dependent absorption parameters 142
Source apportionment of fine PM by combining high time resolution organic and inorganic chemical composition datasets 139
Aerosol study in the town of Genova with a PIXE analysis 138
Use of proton elastic scattering techniques to determine carbonaceous fractions in atmospheric aerosols collected on Teflon filters 138
Atmospheric aerosol characterisation by Ion Beam Analysis techniques: recent improvements at the Van de Graaff laboratory in Florence 138
Effects of road dust suppressants on PM levels in a mediterranean urban area 138
Multi-wavelength optical determination of black and brown carbon in atmospheric aerosols 138
Characterisation of painting materials from Eritrea rock art sites with non-destructive spectroscopic techniques 137
Desert dust contribution to PM10 loads in Italy: Methods and recommendations addressing the relevant European Commission Guidelines in support to the Air Quality Directive 2008/50 137
A methodological test of external beam PIXE analysis on inks of ancient manuscripts 136
Combined use of daily and hourly data sets for the source apportionment of particulate matter near a waste incinerator plant 136
Daily and hourly sourcing of metallic and mineral dust in urban air contaminated by traffic and coal-burning emissions 134
Identification of pigments in some colours on miniatures from the medieval age and early renaissance 134
An integrated approach for the chemical characterization and oxidative potential assessment of indoor PM2.5 134
Comparison of PIXE and XRF analysis of airborne particulate matter samples collected on Teflon and quartz fibre filters 133
Coherent composition of glacial dust on opposite sides of the East Antarctic Plateau inferred from the deep EPICA ice cores. 133
A comparison between thermal-optical transmittance elemental carbon measured by different protocols in PM2.5 samples 132
The role of PIXE in the AIRUSE project "testing and development of air quality mitigation measures in Southern Europe" 131
Improvements in PIXE analysis of hourly particulate matter samples 129
Source apportionment of fine and coarse particles at a roadside and urban background site in London during the 2012 summer ClearfLo campaign 128
A testing technique of streaker aerosol samplers via PIXE analysis 128
Elemental composition of urban aerosol collected in Florence, Italy 127
Characterization of metal threads using differential PIXE analysis 126
All year round background aerosol at Dome C (Antarctica). Chemical composition of size-segregated samples collected during the 2004-05 campaign. 125
Elemental compositions of PM10-2.5 and PM2.5 aerosols of a nigerian urban city using ion beam analytical techniques 124
Silicon Drift Detector response function for PIXE spectra fitting 124
First results of the "Carbonaceous Aerosol in Rome and Environs (CARE)" Experiment: Beyond current standards for PM10 123
Study of air pollution in the proximity of a waste incinerator 122
Characterization of ligurian pottery by PIXE analysis 121
The complementarity of PIXE and PIGE techniques: A case study of size segregated airborne particulates collected from a Nigeria city 121
A one-year record of carbonaceous components and major ions in aerosols from an urban kerbside location in Oporto, Portugal 121
Measurement of proton inelastic scattering cross sections on fluorine 120
Chemical composition of rainwater under two events of aerosol transport: A Saharan dust outbreak and wildfires 120
Oxidative potential and chemical composition of PM2.5 in office buildings across Europe - The OFFICAIR study 120
On the autarchic use of solely PIXE data in particulate matter source apportionment studies by receptor modeling 119
Study of the influence of surface roughness in the PIXE analysis of pottery 119
PIXE-PIGE analysis of size-segregated aerosol samples from remote areas 118
Galileo's Writings: Chronology by PIXE 118
Carbonaceous aerosols at an industrial site in Southeastern Spain 117
Receptor modelling of airborne particulate matter in the vicinity of a major steelworks site 114
Sea spray aerosol in central Antarctica. Present atmospheric behaviour and implications for paleoclimatic reconstructions 113
Combined PIXE and XPS analysis on republican and imperial Roman coins 113
Implementing constrained multi-time approach with bootstrap analysis in ME-2: An application to PM2.5 data from Florence (Italy) 112
Source Apportionment in the Town of La Spezia (Italy) by Continuous Aerosol Sampling and PIXE Analysis 112
External Beam PIGE for fluorine determination in atmospheric aerosol 111
Elemental composition of urban aerosol collected in Florence, Italy 111
Study of aerosol composition in the town of La Spezia with continuous sampling and PIXE analysis 111
A new methodology to assess the performance and uncertainty of source apportionment models II: The results of two European intercomparison exercises 110
Il taccuino di Giovannino de' Grassi della biblioteca civica di Bergamo: tecnica di esecuzione e restauro. 109
Totale 17.857
Categoria #
all - tutte 69.948
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 69.948

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.840 0 0 0 0 0 540 503 586 482 268 399 62
2020/20213.034 300 281 135 299 158 402 140 237 312 413 134 223
2021/20221.635 41 166 177 47 57 81 88 130 74 81 252 441
2022/20233.906 380 913 107 262 264 652 473 186 394 50 93 132
2023/20241.332 53 158 213 92 89 233 52 253 21 86 47 35
2024/20257.122 302 982 563 1.287 2.796 1.192 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 27.257