Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa
A historical overview of social enterprise in Italy and prospects for reform
2015 Mario Biggeri, Enrico Testi, Marco Bellucci, Serena Franchi, Giacomo Manetti, Luca Bagnoli
A historical overview of social enterprises in Italy from a European perspective
2015 Biggeri, Mario; Testi, Enrico; Bellucci, Marco; Franchi, Serena; Manetti, Giacomo; Bagnoli, Luca
A study of Michelangelo’s David from an accountability perspective: Antecedents of dialogic accounting in the early Florentine Renaissance
2023 Giacomo Manetti, Marco Bellucci, Carmela Nitti, Luca Bagnoli
A systematic literature review of studies on women at the top of firm hierarchies: critique, gap analysis and future research directions
2023 Ciappei C.; Liberatore G.; Manetti G.
Accountability for a myth: the construction of Brunelleschi’s dome in Florence in the XV century
2019 Giacomo Manetti, Marco Bellucci, Luca Bagnoli
Accountability for a myth: the construction of Brunelleschi’s dome in Florence in the XV century
2018 Marco Bellucci, Luca Bagnoli, Giacomo Manetti
Accountability In The Stakeholder-AgencyTheory: Evidences From Museum Sector
2011 F.Dainelli; B.Sibilio; G.Manetti
Are you doing it right? On the relationship between social and dialogic accounting
2017 Manetti, Giacomo; Bellucci, Marco; Simoni, Lorenzo; Acuti, Diletta
Art-based religious tourism after the pandemic: innovations in sustainable tourism or return to precrisis business models?
2023 Manetti, Giacomo; Bellucci, Marco; Oliva, Stefania; Cesa Bianchi, Damiano
Artistic-religious tourism after the pandemic: towards the innovation of sustainable tourism or the return to the pre-crisis business model?
2022 Giacomo Manetti, Marco Bellucci, Stefania Oliva, Damiano Cesa Bianchi
Assurance Services for Sustainability Reports: Standards and Empirical Evidence
2009 G. Manetti; L. Becatti
Attività commerciali delle OdV tra opportunità organizzative e «convenienza» fiscale
2011 L. Bagnoli; G. Manetti; M. Di Bella
Azienda Museo e non reciprocal transfers: modalità di contabilizzazione ed esposizione in bilancio
2004 L. Bagnoli; G. Manetti
Blockchain in accounting practice and research: A systematic literature review
2021 Marco Bellucci, Damiano Cesa Bianchi, Giacomo Manetti
Blockchain in accounting practice and research: A systematic literature review
2022 Marco Bellucci, Damiano Cesa Bianchi, Giacomo Manetti
Blockchain in accounting practice and research: systematic literature review
2022 Bellucci, Marco; Cesa Bianchi, Damiano; Manetti, Giacomo
Business ethics e comunicazione d'impresa : il ruolo degli standard internazionali
2005 G.Manetti
Can computer mediated communication work as an instrument of "ideal speech" in social accounting? Evidence in the specialized literature.
2013 G.Manetti
Caratteristiche economico aziendali dell'impresa sociale italiana: alcune evidenze empiriche a cinque anni dall'introduzione della nuova qualifica
2012 L.Bagnoli; S.Toccafondi; G.Manetti.
Company disclosures concerning the resilience of cities from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) perspective
2020 Diletta Acuti; Marco Bellucci; Giacomo Manetti