Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.391
EU - Europa 6.474
AS - Asia 1.051
AF - Africa 68
SA - Sud America 10
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 15.001
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.364
RU - Federazione Russa 1.965
PL - Polonia 1.712
IT - Italia 1.438
IE - Irlanda 626
SG - Singapore 357
SE - Svezia 288
HK - Hong Kong 236
CN - Cina 193
FI - Finlandia 132
IN - India 112
CH - Svizzera 82
UA - Ucraina 63
JO - Giordania 62
CI - Costa d'Avorio 58
DE - Germania 38
GB - Regno Unito 35
ES - Italia 30
CA - Canada 27
FR - Francia 27
VN - Vietnam 27
KR - Corea 13
BE - Belgio 9
TR - Turchia 9
JP - Giappone 8
NL - Olanda 8
CY - Cipro 7
EU - Europa 5
GR - Grecia 5
SC - Seychelles 5
BR - Brasile 4
BY - Bielorussia 4
GE - Georgia 4
RO - Romania 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
TJ - Tagikistan 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
DZ - Algeria 3
TH - Thailandia 3
AU - Australia 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
IR - Iran 2
PE - Perù 2
PK - Pakistan 2
TW - Taiwan 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
CO - Colombia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KE - Kenya 1
PT - Portogallo 1
SL - Sierra Leone 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 15.001
Città #
Warsaw 1.706
Santa Clara 1.562
Fairfield 936
Dublin 626
Ashburn 429
Seattle 398
Woodbridge 393
Houston 383
Cambridge 378
Wilmington 296
Singapore 284
Princeton 225
Chandler 215
Ann Arbor 206
Lawrence 160
Florence 140
Altamura 131
Boston 120
Medford 120
Mumbai 97
Hong Kong 76
Moscow 74
Buffalo 72
Beijing 69
San Diego 68
Bern 67
Milan 61
Abidjan 58
Rome 55
Norwalk 42
Shanghai 41
Boardman 40
New York 35
Kent 34
Hillsboro 29
Toronto 23
Falls Church 22
Los Angeles 22
Dong Ket 20
Bologna 17
Andover 16
Barcelona 16
Phoenix 16
Bari 15
Dearborn 14
Redwood City 14
Pune 12
Salerno 12
Yubileyny 12
Naples 11
London 10
Redmond 10
Seoul 10
Turin 10
Bergamo 9
Cagliari 9
Siena 9
Brescia 8
Brussels 8
Catania 8
Guangzhou 8
Helsinki 7
Pisa 7
Poggibonsi 7
Prato 7
Cascina 6
Arezzo 5
Fossombrone 5
Limassol 5
Lugano 5
Munich 5
Nanjing 5
Napoli 5
Pumenengo 5
Sassuolo 5
Trento 5
Bremen 4
Castelliri 4
Catenanuova 4
Dallas 4
Fuzhou 4
Laurel 4
Legnago 4
Mogilëv 4
Padova 4
Palermo 4
Pescara 4
Pistoia 4
Ravenna 4
Reggio Calabria 4
Salemi 4
Segrate 4
Spilamberto 4
Thiene 4
Urbino 4
Venezia 4
Ávila 4
Algiers 3
Ancona 3
Antalya 3
Totale 10.144
Nome #
Il lembo libero di muscolo gracile reinnervato nel trattamento della sindrome di Volkmann dell' avambraccio. 287
An alternative single-stage application of the paramedian forehead flap in reconstruction of the face 259
Long term results of epiphyseal transplant in distal radius reconstruction in children 249
Radial forearm flap plus Flexor Carpi Radialis tendon in Achilles tendon reconstruction: Surgical technique, functional results, and gait analysis 247
Scrotal dartos-fascio-myo-cutaneous flaps for penis elongation after catastrophic iatrogenic skin shaft sub-amputation: A case of recovery using an extremely adaptable flap 245
Are there risk factors for complications of perforator-based propeller flaps for lower-extremity reconstruction? 243
Effects of orbicularis oculi flap anchorage on the lower eyelid position in trans-cutaneous blepharoplasty. Statistical analysis of clinical outcome 236
L'artrosi radioscafoidea: trattamento chirurgico con artrodesi intercarpica capitato-semilunare-piramidale-uncinato. 235
Classification of tongue cancer resection and treatment algorithm 232
Study of the tendinous vascularization for the compound radial forearm flap plus flexor carpi radialis tendon 231
Gastrocnaemius-propeller extended miocutanous flap: a new chimaeric flap for soft tissue reconstruction of the knee 227
Retro-Areola Distally Based Flap in the Management of the Full Expression of Tuberous Breast: A Simple Strategy to Resolve a Weak Point of the Deformity 213
Perforator based propeller flaps treating loss of substance in the lower limb. 183
Epiphyseal transplant: harvesting technique of the proximal fibula based on the Anterior Tibial Artery. 182
L'intervento di Camitz nella sindrome del tunnel carpale. 177
Short and long-term results of sternectomy for sternal tumours 154
La pollicizzazione secondo Buck-Gramko nell'agenesia del pollice. 147
Latissimus dorsi rotational flap combined with a custom-made scapular prosthesis after oncological surgical resection: A report of two patients 138
Periareolar access for Pectus Excavatum correction with silicone implants. A new method to minimize post-operative scars. Review of the literature, considerations and statistical analysis of clinical outcomes 136
Considerations on the role of algorithm-based levator aponeurectomy in small incision external ptosis surgery for involutional ptosis 133
Miescher's cheilitis: Surgical management and long term outcome of an extremely severe case. 121
Custom-made elbow joint reconstruction with free osteoperiosteal fibula and iliac crest flaps after tumor resection: a case report 120
Evaluation of Long-term Outcomes of Correction of Severe Blepharoptosis with Advancement of External Levator Muscle Complex: Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Results 116
Presenza del nucleo di ossificazione distale del 1° metatarso e sua correlazione con l'alluce rigido giovanile. 114
Quadriceps tendon reconstruction using a fascia lata included in a reverse-flow anterolateral thigh flap 111
Classification and Treatment of Adult Buried Penis 109
Experience of Immediate Ambulation and Early Discharge After Tumescent Anesthesia and Propofol Infusion in Cosmetic Breast Augmentation 108
A two-step immunomagnetic microbead-based method for the isolation of human primary skin telocytes/CD34+ stromal cells 108
Effects of cutaneous negative pressure application on perforator artery flow in healthy volunteers: a preliminary study 106
Long-Term Functional Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Peroneal Intraneural Ganglion Cyst 106
Harvesting technique of a fibula free flap 105
Masculine Chest-Wall Contouring in FtM Transgender: a Personal Approach 104
Calcaneal reconstruction after total calcanectomy with iliac crest free flap 102
Comment to "No-Drain Single Incision Liposuction Pull-Through Technique for Gynecomastia" 102
Cellule satelliti isolate da muscolo scheletrico umano come modello per lo studio della differenziazione muscolare 100
Assembly of the bony flaps with the allograft, osteosynthesis with the humeral head, reconstruction of medial and lateral collateral ligaments of the elbow 100
Achilles Region Soft-Tissue Defects: A Reconstructive Algorithm Based on a Series of 46 Cases 100
A new reconstructive technique for intercalary defects of long bones: the association of massive allograft with vascularized fibular autograft. Long-term results and comparison with alternative techniques 100
Resection of an Ewing’s sarcoma of the right distal humerus 99
Clinical Characteristics of Asymmetric Bilateral Gynecomastia: Suggestion of Desirable Surgical Method Based on a Single-Institution Experience 98
Multidisciplinary surgical approach to a surviving infant with sirenomelia. 95
Biological Reconstruction after Resection of Bone Tumors of the Proximal Tibia Using Allograft Shell and Intra-Medullary Free Vascularized Fibular Graft: Long Term Results. 92
Discussion on "reduction of the Areolar Diameter after Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction for Gynecomastia" 92
Preliminary Outcomes of Distal IMAP and SEAP Flaps for the Treatment of Unstable Keloids Subject to Recurrent Inflammation and Infections in the Lower Sternal and Upper Abdominal Areas 91
Ligaments Reconstruction for Posttraumatic Ulnar Translocation of the Carpus: A Case Report 91
Harvesting technique of an iliac crest free flap 91
Discussion: Objective Outcome Measurement After Upper Blepharoplasty: An Analysis of Different Operative Techniques 90
Extensor hallucis longus tendon and soft-tissue reconstruction with palmaris longus tendon included in a radial forearm free flap: A case report 89
Biological reconstruction after resection of bone tumours around the knee. Long term follow up. 87
Malignant primary chest wall tumours: techniques of reconstruction and survival. 85
La ricostruzione della I^ commissura interdigitale mediante lembi a distanza. 83
External Quilting: New Technique to Avoid Haematoma in Gynaecomastia Surgery 83
Characterization of Skeletal Muscle Endocrine Control in an In Vitro Model of Myogenesis 83
Reverse-flow latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap in a multi-step approach for complex back defect reconstruction: A case report 83
Intercalary reconstruction of the femur after tumour resection: is a vascularized fibular autograft plus allograft a long-lasting solution? 82
Recurrent digital fibromatosis of childhood 82
Total calcanectomy and reconstruction with vascularized iliac bone graft for osteoblastoma: A report of two cases 81
Refinements in Tear Trough Deformity Correction: Intraoral Release of Tear Trough Ligaments: Anatomical Consideration and Clinical Approach 81
Calcium-sensing receptor expression analysis in human skeletal muscle tissue and satellite cells 81
Evaluation of Glandular Liposculpture as a Single Treatment for Grades I and II Gynecomastia 81
Re: A novel method to insert drain atraumatically after liposuction in gynecomastia 80
New Paradigms in Reconstructive Microsurgery Education 80
Correction of Tuberous Nipple Areolar Complex Deformity in Gynecomastia: The Deformity That Can Get Forgotten 80
Vascularised fibular grafts as a salvage procedure in failed intercalary reconstructions after bone tumour resection of the femur 80
Möglichkeiten und Ergebnisse der (freien)vaskularisierten Knochentransplantation im Handbereich . 78
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Combined with Three-Dimensional Reconstruction in Preoperative Perforator Flap Planning. 77
PTH type-1 Receptor Gene Expression Analysis during In Vitro Myogenesis of Human skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells 77
Mandibular ramus and condyle reconstruction with vascularized proximal fibular epiphyseal transfer in the pediatric patient: A case report 76
Reconstruction of upper limb soft-tissue defects after sarcoma resection with free flaps: A systematic review 76
Utilizzo degli allograft nella chirurgia ricostruttiva della mano. 74
CaSR protein expression analysis in stem cells derived from human skeletal muscle and human adipose tissue 74
Claw foot A case report 74
Microsurgical soft tissue and bone transfers in complex hand trauma. 73
A hollow, custom-made prosthesis combined with a vascularized flap and bone graft for skeletal reconstruction after bone tumour resection 73
Comment to "Transconjunctival Orbital Septum Fat Release and Preservation for Orbitopalpebral Sulcus in Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty" 72
Comment on: “Surgical Masculinization of the Breast: Clinical Classification and Surgical Procedures” 72
Chirurgia dei tumori ossei in età pediatrica: nuove frontiere ricostruttive. 72
Indagine sul comportamento anomalo di tre chiodi di Knowles usati nel trattamento di un caso di epifisiolisi. 71
Management of gynecomastia in patients with different body types: Considerations on 312 consecutive treated cases 71
Comment on "Preoperative asymmetry is a risk factor for reoperation in involutional blepharoptosis" 70
A Safer Way to Harvest a Superthin Perforator Flap 70
Reconstruction of posttraumatic bone defects of the humerus with vascularized fibular graft. 70
Profunda femoris artery pseudoaneurysm following revision for femoral shaft fracture nonunion 70
The anastomosis of the anterior interosseous artery as vascular augmentation in forearm replantation. 69
Comment on “A Modified Levator Resection Technique Involving Retention of the Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle Suspension System for Treatment of Congenital Ptosis” 69
Vascularized proximal fibular epiphyseal transfer for distal radial reconstruction. 69
Reconstruction after complete mandibular avulsion with double-paddle fibular free flap. A case report 69
Comment on: "A case report of a complete degloving injury of the penile skin" 68
Comment to: “Complications and Outcomes After Gynecomastia Surgery: Analysis of 204 Pediatric and 1583 Adult Cases from a National Multi-center Database” 68
Free vascularized tissue transfer to preserve upper extremity amputation levels. 67
Recurrent digital fibromatosis in childhood. 67
Non vascularised osteoarticular allograft replacement of the proximal interphalangeal joint after extensive loss of bone, joint and extensor tendon. 67
The anterolateral thigh flap. 67
Gene expression analysis during in vitro myogenesis of human skeletal muscle satellite cells 67
Comment to "Orange peel excision of gland: A novel surgical technique for treatment of gynecomastia" 66
Comment to "Postero-Inferior Pedicle Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Grade III Gynecomastia" 66
Totale 10.946
Categoria #
all - tutte 45.488
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 45.488

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.566 0 0 0 0 255 232 222 238 204 142 195 78
2020/20211.546 134 177 84 172 89 110 78 105 250 160 89 98
2021/20221.305 68 128 89 72 28 79 20 93 48 105 133 442
2022/20232.236 343 364 106 105 92 468 322 93 161 24 79 79
2023/20241.063 63 104 220 72 62 118 75 130 38 50 83 48
2024/20254.627 316 813 456 1.104 1.938 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.191