Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 9.146
EU - Europa 5.005
AS - Asia 1.397
OC - Oceania 135
AF - Africa 78
SA - Sud America 45
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 15.809
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 9.107
RU - Federazione Russa 2.078
IE - Irlanda 755
SE - Svezia 612
SG - Singapore 465
IT - Italia 440
HK - Hong Kong 375
CN - Cina 271
UA - Ucraina 260
FI - Finlandia 189
PL - Polonia 187
DE - Germania 172
AU - Australia 130
IN - India 116
GB - Regno Unito 102
CH - Svizzera 101
TR - Turchia 81
CI - Costa d'Avorio 56
JO - Giordania 55
BR - Brasile 40
CA - Canada 38
FR - Francia 34
BE - Belgio 27
AT - Austria 14
SC - Seychelles 13
NL - Olanda 11
ES - Italia 10
KR - Corea 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
RO - Romania 4
VN - Vietnam 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
EU - Europa 3
ID - Indonesia 3
JP - Giappone 3
LT - Lituania 3
MU - Mauritius 3
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
AM - Armenia 1
AO - Angola 1
AR - Argentina 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EG - Egitto 1
GE - Georgia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IL - Israele 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IR - Iran 1
JM - Giamaica 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PY - Paraguay 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 15.809
Città #
Santa Clara 2.822
Chandler 767
Dublin 754
Fairfield 713
Jacksonville 436
Ashburn 362
Singapore 356
Cambridge 317
Woodbridge 309
Seattle 295
Wilmington 278
Houston 266
Hong Kong 218
Princeton 198
Warsaw 180
Ann Arbor 168
Boardman 140
Melbourne 127
Boston 123
Medford 108
Florence 106
Beijing 101
Bern 97
Altamura 78
Lawrence 77
Mumbai 72
Shanghai 64
Buffalo 62
Abidjan 56
Moscow 54
Izmir 50
San Diego 43
Dearborn 37
Kent 37
Norwalk 36
Pune 35
Council Bluffs 33
Falls Church 32
Brussels 27
Los Angeles 25
Toronto 24
Hillsboro 23
Milan 22
West Jordan 16
New York 15
Vienna 14
Andover 12
Ottawa 12
Yubileyny 12
Auburn Hills 10
Laurel 10
London 9
Rome 9
Frankfurt Am Main 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Padova 7
Barcelona 6
Campi Bisenzio 6
Helsinki 6
Tappahannock 6
Verona 6
Genoa 5
Hanover 5
Hefei 5
Saint Petersburg 5
São Paulo 5
Bologna 4
Calenzano 4
Nanjing 4
Paris 4
Prato 4
Siena 4
Tharandt 4
Vicchio 4
Zurich 4
Baku 3
Bucharest 3
Cape Town 3
Delhi 3
Fuzhou 3
Hangzhou 3
Jakarta 3
Leawood 3
Agliana 2
Amsterdam 2
Arnsberg 2
Auckland 2
Bagno a Ripoli 2
Borgosesia 2
Brescia 2
Busto Arsizio 2
Calderara di Reno 2
Carapicuíba 2
Cottbus 2
Dong Ket 2
Duncan 2
Düsseldorf 2
Fargo 2
Guangzhou 2
Hyderabad 2
Totale 10.419
Nome #
Electrodeposition of ternary system: from fundamentals to photovoltaic applications. 238
Green and scalable synthesis of nanocrystalline kuramite 186
Spectroscopic Study of a Ni-bearing gahnite pigment 164
HF2EPR Spectroscopy of Fe(III) impurities in a blue hercynite-based pigment 152
Chemical speciation of Ag in galena by EPR spectroscopy 148
Arsenic-bearing calcite in natural travertines: Evidence from sequential extraction, μXAS, and μXRF 146
A Fe K-edge XAS study of amethyst 145
Sustainable synthesis of quaternary sulphides: The problem of the uptake of zinc in CZTS 135
Electrodeposited semiconductors at room temperature: An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy study of Cu-, Zn-, S-bearing thin films 132
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Electron Spin Echo Spectroscopy study of Natural Bornite 131
Adsorption of nitroxide-alcohol solutions on X-zeolite. 2. Electron spin echo study of deuteriated ethanol solutions 131
Electron spin echo decays of nitroxide solutions adsorbed on zeolites 131
Crystal Chemistry of tetrahedrite solid solution:EPR and Magnetic investigations 130
HF2EPR investigation of a Cr-bearing gahnite pigment 129
HF2EPR spectroscopy of Fe(III) impurities in a blue hercynite-based pigment. 129
First Evidence of Natural Superconductivity: Covellite 128
An EPR and SQUID magnetometry study of bornite 127
Magnetic properties and cation ordering of nanopowders of the synthetic analogue of kuramite, Cu3SnS4. 127
The unusual magnetic properties of kuramite-stannite pseudobinary series: a SQUID and EPR survey 126
Magnetic properties and cation ordering of nanopowdersof the synthetic analogue of kuramite, Cu3SnS4 126
EPR and SQUID magnetometry study of Cu2FeSn S4 (stannite) and Cu2ZnSnS4 (kesterite) 125
The distribution of Cu(II) and the magnetic properties of the synthetic analogue of tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13 122
Green synthesis of pyrite nanoparticles for energy conversion and storage: A spectroscopic investigation 122
Adsorption of nitroxide-alcohol solutions on X-Zeolite. 1. ESR study of deuteriated ethanol solutions 121
Mn distribution in sphalerite: an EPR study 120
EPR and SQUID magnetometry study of Cu2FeSnS4 (stannite) and Cu2ZnSnS4 (kesterite) 119
Geomaterials related to photovoltaics: a nanostructured Fe-bearing kuramite, Cu3SnS4 119
Preliminary XAS investigations on some phases of the Cu-Sn-S system 118
Electron spin echo study of doxyl spin probes in micellar systems of ammonium perfluorooctanoate 117
Stannite polymorphs; a reinvestigation of their possible existence. 117
Phase composition of CuxS thin films: spectroscopic evidence of covellite formation. 116
EPR discrimination of microcrystalline calcite geomaterials 116
Electron spin echo study of nitroxide solutions adsorbed on silica gels 115
Mössbauer study of bornite and chemical bonding in Fe-bearing sulphides 115
Physico-chemical properties of quartz from industrial manufacturing and its cytotoxic effects on alveolar macrophages: The case of green sand mould casting for iron production 113
A multifrequency EPR approach to travertine characterisation 110
57Fe Mossbauer and electron spectroscopy study on a new synthetic hercyniye-based pigment 109
Water and other polar liquids in porous systems studied by electron spin resonance and electron spin echo 109
A new solvothermal approach to obtain nanoparticles in the Cu3SnS4–Cu2FeSnS4 join 109
Biotic and inorganic control on travertine deposition at Bullicame 3 spring (Viterbo, Italy): A multidisciplinary approach 109
EPR, SQUID and DSC low temperature data on natural and synthetic stannite: Cu2FeSnS4 108
Pseudocontact shifts and paramagnetic susceptibility in semiempirical and quantum chemistry theories 108
How Do Nuclei Couple to the Magnetic Moment of a Paramagnetic Center? A New Theory at the Gauntlet of the Experiments 107
EPR and magnetic investigations on sulfides and sulfosalts 103
Thermodynamic and spectral properties of monolayers and Langmuir -Blodgett films of the Nickel compound of an amphiphilic tetraazaannulene derivative 103
Arsenic incorporation in natural calcite lattice: Evidence from electron spin echo spectroscopy 102
Computer simulation of superhyperfine structure of ESR spectra of nitroxide radicals in solution 102
Arsenic uptake by natural calcite: An XAS study 100
Adsorption of nitroxide D2O solutions on X- and Y-zeolites studied by ESR and ESE spectroscopies 100
Proton hyperfine tensors in nitroxide radicals 100
Determination and Significance of the Mn(II) Zero-Field Splitting (ZFS) interaction in geochemistry of Travertines 99
Nuclear quadrupole effects on two- and three pulse electron spin echo patterns: a first order perturbation approach for nuclear quadrupole interaction only 97
ESEEM of industrial quartz powders: insights into crystal chemistry of Al defects 95
Relationships in the kesterite-stannite-kuramite pseudoternary system: from fundamentals to photovoltaic applications. 95
Analysis of nuclear quadrupole interaction in three pulse electron spin echo modulation spectra 94
Short-range order of Fe(II) in Sphalerite by magnetic susceptibility and 57Fe Mossbauer Spectroscopy 93
ESR probes for the study of the agregational behavior of perfluoropolyether surfactants and of the physical status of interlamellar water. 2. Mn(II) probe 93
Silicosis employees in the processing of plans from kitchen counters of bar and shops, etc. in quartz composite resin: provisional results of the survey conducted environmental and health within the territory of USL 11 of Empoli in Tuscany among steelworkers materials in composite quartz resin and review of the literature 92
Evaluation and Interpretation of Electron Spin Echo Decay. Part II: Molecular Motions 91
Two-frequency electron spin echo envelope modulation and electron spin echo decay of Cu(II)-(alkylthio)tetraazaporphyrin powder 91
A procedure to apply spectroscopic techniques in the investigation of silica-bearing industrial materials 91
ESEEM of industrial silica‑bearing powders: reactivity of defects during wet processing in the ceramics production 90
Electron spin echo envelope modulation at S-band. 3: analysis of nuclear quadrupole interaction effects 90
Magnetic properties and cation ordering in two synthetic bornite samples,Cu5(Fe, Mn)S4 90
EPR investigations on the distribution of Ag in galena 90
Indagini mineralogiche e spettroscopiche sulla SLC: pietra sintetica e caratterizzazione ex vivo 89
Spectroscopic study of volcanic ashes 88
Genetic Evolution of nanocrystalline Fe-oxide and-oxohydroxide assemblages from the Labiole Mine: structural and micristructural investigations 87
Surface effects towards the mobility of charged spin probes:ESR study of nitroxide solutions adsorbed on zeolites 87
Adsorption of nitroxide-alcohol solutions on X-zeolites. 3. ESR and Electron spin echo modulation study of deuteriated methanol solutions 87
Compositional, EPR and SQUID Magnetometry Data on the Tetrahedrite Group Minerals 87
Natural Fe-oxide and -oxohydroxyde nanoparticles: an EPR and SQUID investigation 86
Electron spin echo of a Langmuir-Blodgett film 86
La caratterizzazione chimico-fisica delle fasi di lavorazione di materiali contenenti silice libera cristallina in comparti produttivi italiani 86
Dipolar and spin exchange effecta in the ESR spectra of nitroxide radicals; 2: water solution adsorbed on porous silica gels 85
A geochemical study of the Bullicame spring travertine precipitation. 85
Multianalytical characterisation of nanoproducts of the kuramite-stannite-kesterite system 85
EPR, SQUID and DSC low temperature data on synthetic stannite: Cu2FeSnS4 84
Crystal chemistry of Fe and Cu in bornite through the study of its magnetic properties. 84
Covellite, CuS, the first example of a natural superconductor. 83
Electron spin echo at S-band:nuclear modulations and decay in C60 powder 82
Arsenic incorporation in natural calcite: a structural and spectroscopic study. 82
Bornite revisited: metal distribution and valence States through the study of its magnetic properties. 82
A spectroscopic study of Mn(II)-bearing calcites: comparison between inorganic calcite and biocalcite, obtained by the bacterium Bacillus subtilis 82
Unusual physical properties of natural covellite: the first example of natural superconductivity. 82
Minerali del gruppo della tetraedrite (Cu10M(II)2Sb4S13). Indagini magnetometriche ed EPR. 82
New technologic Substrates by Electrodeposition for Energy devices: an XPS study of Cu- and Sn- sulfides 82
Paramagnetic resonance studies of As-bearing phases in the val di Pecora (Southern Tuscany, Italy) 81
Spectroscopic properties of natural and synthetic sphalerites. 81
EPR, ESEEM and SQUID Magnetometry of Sulfides: Magnetic Properties of the Synthetic Analogue of Tetrahedrite Cu12Sb4S13 81
Tetrahedrite group minerals. Part II: magnetometric and EPR features 81
Magnetic properties of bornite (I): investigations on metal distribution and valence states through ND, EPR and SQUID magnetometry. 81
The unusual magnetic properties of kuramite-stannite pseudobinary series: a SQUID and EPR survey. 81
Comparative analysis of pulsed electron spin resonance spectrometers at X-band and S-band 80
Binary CuxS and SnxSy semiconductors on Ag(111) by Electrochemical Atomic Layer Epitaxy (ECALE). 80
Growth of sulphide thin films with technological interest 80
New technologic Substrates by Electrodeposition for Energy devices 80
Multianalytical investigation of Fe- and Zn-bearing kuramites for solar cell production 80
Cu-Sn sulfides: synthetic approaches and multianalytical characterisation of old materials for new technologic substrates for energy devices 80
Totale 10.522
Categoria #
all - tutte 45.164
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 45.164

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020655 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 142 111 157 29
2020/20211.185 146 63 117 106 16 204 19 101 91 144 94 84
2021/20221.009 19 182 48 25 36 21 25 65 40 17 152 379
2022/20233.070 314 324 132 217 303 639 400 167 307 23 110 134
2023/20241.026 53 131 191 71 57 148 40 206 7 35 58 29
2024/20256.452 274 794 587 1.094 2.514 1.003 98 88 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.932