Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.664
EU - Europa 3.087
AS - Asia 533
OC - Oceania 45
AF - Africa 31
SA - Sud America 27
Totale 8.387
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.644
RU - Federazione Russa 943
IT - Italia 697
IE - Irlanda 324
SE - Svezia 315
DE - Germania 206
SG - Singapore 204
UA - Ucraina 200
PL - Polonia 147
HK - Hong Kong 141
FI - Finlandia 104
CN - Cina 81
GB - Regno Unito 58
IN - India 51
AU - Australia 44
FR - Francia 30
BR - Brasile 23
TR - Turchia 22
CI - Costa d'Avorio 21
CA - Canada 17
NL - Olanda 17
CH - Svizzera 9
SC - Seychelles 9
ID - Indonesia 8
VN - Vietnam 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
JO - Giordania 7
BE - Belgio 6
LT - Lituania 4
TW - Taiwan 4
AT - Austria 3
BY - Bielorussia 3
MX - Messico 3
RO - Romania 3
AM - Armenia 2
AR - Argentina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
EC - Ecuador 2
ES - Italia 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
PT - Portogallo 2
IL - Israele 1
IR - Iran 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KR - Corea 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 8.387
Città #
Santa Clara 1.568
Fairfield 370
Jacksonville 325
Dublin 324
Chandler 322
Ashburn 197
Woodbridge 166
Florence 155
Singapore 155
Houston 147
Seattle 142
Warsaw 140
Cambridge 139
Wilmington 126
Hong Kong 81
Princeton 80
Altamura 73
Munich 67
Boardman 66
Ann Arbor 59
Lawrence 58
Medford 53
Melbourne 44
Mumbai 44
Boston 39
Helsinki 36
Milan 32
Moscow 29
San Diego 24
Buffalo 22
Abidjan 21
Prad am Stilfser Joch 21
Rome 21
Shanghai 21
Beijing 20
Los Angeles 20
New York 17
Hillsboro 15
Izmir 15
Auburn Hills 14
Falls Church 14
West Jordan 14
Frankfurt Am Main 13
Kent 12
Norwalk 12
Toronto 12
Chernihiv 9
Padova 9
Prato 9
London 8
Jakarta 7
Redwood City 7
Turin 7
Brescia 6
Dong Ket 6
Brussels 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Verona 5
Yubileyny 5
Andover 4
Chemnitz 4
Dearborn 4
Foggia 4
Lecce 4
Pisa 4
Wugu District 4
Artegna 3
Ballabio 3
Bern 3
Brindisi 3
Chongqing 3
Istanbul 3
Koszalin 3
Minsk 3
Piombino 3
San Mauro Torinese 3
Tappahannock 3
Vienna 3
Amman 2
Arnsberg 2
Barcelona 2
Basel 2
Bassano del Grappa 2
Beinasco 2
Belo Horizonte 2
Bengaluru 2
Bologna 2
Brno 2
Bussolengo 2
Caserta 2
Casier 2
Cinisello Balsamo 2
Dallas 2
Duncan 2
Figline Valdarno 2
Fucecchio 2
Guayaquil 2
Kocaeli 2
Laurel 2
Lecco 2
Totale 5.541
Nome #
Indurimento superficiale di leghe di titanio tramite ossinitrurazione in scarica ionica 374
Correlation between material properties and leakage currents in CVD diamond films deposited by DC plasma glow discharge 223
Corrosion behaviour of low temperature nitrided nickel-free, AISI 200 and AISI 300 series austenitic stainless steels in NaCl solution 177
Surface Modification of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Means of Low Pressure Glow-Discharge Treatments with Nitrogen 167
Change in surface morphology of diamond films deposited by DC plasma glow discharge CVD 155
Corrosion resistance properties of glow-discharge nitrided AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel in NaCl solutions 153
Glow-discharge nitriding of sintered stainless steels 146
Corrosion resistance properties of plasma nitrided Ti-6Al-4V alloy in nitric acid solutions 145
Effects of Surface Modification by Means of Low-Temperature Plasma Nitriding on Wetting and Corrosion Behavior of Austenitic Stainless Steel 140
Air treatment of pure titanium by furnace and glow-discharge processes 139
Low temperature nitriding of AISI 300 and 200 series austenitic stainless steels 137
Microstructural analysis and crystallographic characterisation of plasma oxynitrided Ti-6Al-4V 133
Surface modification of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by means of combined plasma nitriding and oxidising treatments 132
Plasma nitriding of Fe-Cr-Mo sintered steels 131
Wear resistance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy treated by means of glow-discharge and furnace treatments 129
Improvement of wear and corrosion resistance of RPS Ti-TiN coatings by means of thermal oxidation 128
Influence of the treatment atmosphere on the characteristics of glow-discharge treated sintered stainless steels 127
Fieldmap of morphology of diamond films grown by use of d.c. plasma glow discharge chemical vapour deposition 127
Glow-discharge nitriding of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel: influence of treatment pressure 124
Biocompatibility evaluation of surface-treated AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel in human cell cultures 123
Corrosion behaviour of glow discharge nitrided titanium alloys 123
Influence of surface morphology and roughness on water wetting properties of low temperature nitrided austenitic stainless steels 122
Wear behaviour of iron boride coatings produced by VPS technique on carbon steels 122
Glow-discharge nitriding of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel: influence of treatment temperature 121
Glow-discharge nitriding of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel: influence of treatment time 120
Glow-discharge nitriding and post-oxidising treatments of AISI H11 steel 118
Sliding wear resistance of reactive plasma sprayed Ti-TiN coatings 116
Influenza delle condizioni di trattamento sulla resistenza a corrosione di acciai inossidabili austenitici nitrurati a bassa temperatura 115
Improvement of corrosion resistance of austenitic stainless steels by means of glow-discharge nitriding 110
Reactive plasma spraying of titanium in nitrogen containing plasma gas 106
Effect of ethylene glycol and current density on the morphology and anatase/rutile ratio of anodized commercial grade titanium 105
Corrosion resistance of duplex treated AISI H11 steel 104
Comportamento ad usura della lega Ti-6Al-4V ossidata termicamente 102
Fatigue and fretting-fatigue fracture of hot rolled carburising steel 102
Low temperature glow-discharge nitriding of a low nickel austenitic stainless steel 102
Glow-discharge treatments of titanium alloys 101
Corrosion and wear resistance properties of glow-discharge nitrided austenitic stainless steels 98
Influenza dei trattamenti superficiali di nitrurazione in scarica ionica sulla resistenza a corrosione di acciai inossidabili austenitici 96
Comportamento ad usura di rivestimenti di boruri di ferro su UNI C40 ottenuti con Vacuum Plasma Spray (VPS) 96
Riporti di microcompositi a matrice metallica ottenuti mediante plasma spray reattivo 93
Structural characterization and transport properties of diamond films prepared by DC plasma glow discharge CVD 92
Investigation of thermoluminescent properties of synthetic (CVD) diamond 92
Riporti antiusura e barriere termiche su materiali metallici 91
Effects of surface treated Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy on biocompatibility in cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells 91
Surface Modification of a Nickel-Free Austenitic Stainless Steel by Low-Temperature Nitriding 91
Simulazione agli elementi finiti e controllo termografico del raffreddamento di una barriera termica per mezzo di un getto d’aria forzata 90
Resistenza ad usura di acciai inossidabili austenitici nitrurati in scarica ionica 89
High temperature oxidation of MCrAlY HVOF and VPS bond coats 88
Effects of sol-gel alumina infiltration on high temperature behaviour of Thermal Barrier Coatings 86
Oxinitriding of Ti-6Al-4V by Glow-Discharge Process 85
Surface hardening of titanium alloys for high performance vehicles 84
Prove di fretting-fatica su un acciaio da cementazione 83
Influence of steel composition and sintering parameters on glow-discharge nitriding of sintered steels 83
Resistenza ad usura di acciai inossidabili austenitici nitrurati in scarica ionica 82
Wear behaviour of thermally oxidised Ti-6Al-4V alloy 82
Low temperature glow-discharge nitriding of stainless steels 82
Influence of steel composition and sintering parameters on glow-discharge nitriding of sintered steels 81
Influence of treatment pressure on glow-discharge nitriding of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel 81
Influenza delle condizioni di trattamento sulla resistenza a corrosione di acciai inossidabili austenitici nitrurati a bassa temperatura - Influence of treatment conditions on the corrosion resistance of low temperature nitrided austenitic stainless steels 81
Surface hardening of titanium alloys for high performance vehicles 80
Techniques of surface modification by phase vapour deposition and glow discharge 79
Wear and corrosion resistance properties of Ti-TiN reactive plasma sprayed coatings 79
Deposition of continuous diamond films onto molibdenum substrate by DC plasma CVD 79
Nitrurazione in scarica ionica a bassa temperatura di acciai inossidabili austenitici - Low temperature glow-discharge nitriding of austenitic stainless steels 78
Resistenza ad usura dell’acciaio AISI D2 sottoposto a trattamento duplex 77
Borided coatings of planned constitution on chromium steels by means of VPS technique 77
Wear behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy treated by means of plasma oxidizing and nitriding treatments 76
Whiskers orientation and thermal fatigue effects on Al6061/SiCw dry sliding wear 75
Thin films deposition of fully inorganic metal halide perovskites: A review 74
Microstructural and X-ray diffraction characterization of low-temperature nitrided austenitic stainless steels 74
Reactive Plasma Spray for the Deposition of Ti/TiN Coatings: A Comparative Compositional Study by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 74
Tecniche di modificazione superficiale mediante deposizione da fase vapore e scarica ionica 73
Il biossido di titanio fotocatalitico nella funzionalizzazione superficiale di materiali innovativi 71
Glow-discharge nitriding of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel 69
Effect of Bath Composition on Titanium Anodization Using the Constant-Current Approach: A Crystallographic and Morphological Study 66
V.P.S. technique for producing borided coatings on carbon steels 64
Riporti di diamante ottenuti con C.V.D. in scarica ionica: realizzazione e caratterizzazione 62
Texture and air stability of magnetron sputtered lead halide perovskite thin films for electronics and solar cells 60
Progettazione di un reattore fotocatalitico a base di TiO2 nanostrutturato per la depurazione delle acque 45
null 24
null 13
Totale 8.519
Categoria #
all - tutte 22.341
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 22.341

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133 79 32 98 19
2020/2021769 55 53 68 66 16 106 39 84 62 113 33 74
2021/2022554 23 83 43 17 22 53 23 36 23 16 100 115
2022/20231.460 118 217 83 87 144 267 224 82 141 14 37 46
2023/2024477 30 65 87 35 24 35 35 83 11 34 28 10
2024/20253.410 137 371 214 555 1.352 601 104 76 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.519