Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.675
EU - Europa 3.397
AS - Asia 832
OC - Oceania 48
AF - Africa 18
SA - Sud America 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 8.983
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.666
RU - Federazione Russa 921
PL - Polonia 869
IT - Italia 584
IE - Irlanda 379
SE - Svezia 246
CN - Cina 243
SG - Singapore 225
HK - Hong Kong 193
DE - Germania 85
FI - Finlandia 63
CH - Svizzera 60
IN - India 56
GB - Regno Unito 52
AU - Australia 47
ES - Italia 44
UA - Ucraina 28
JO - Giordania 27
FR - Francia 21
VN - Vietnam 19
ID - Indonesia 17
BE - Belgio 13
TR - Turchia 13
CI - Costa d'Avorio 12
AT - Austria 10
JP - Giappone 10
CA - Canada 9
IR - Iran 8
MY - Malesia 7
BR - Brasile 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
PT - Portogallo 6
KR - Corea 4
NL - Olanda 4
PE - Perù 4
MU - Mauritius 3
TW - Taiwan 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
EU - Europa 2
IQ - Iraq 2
NO - Norvegia 2
SC - Seychelles 2
DK - Danimarca 1
GR - Grecia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PY - Paraguay 1
RS - Serbia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 8.983
Città #
Santa Clara 1.644
Warsaw 869
Dublin 372
Fairfield 339
Chandler 309
Ashburn 219
Singapore 186
Woodbridge 167
Cambridge 163
Seattle 155
Houston 153
Florence 144
Wilmington 129
Hong Kong 122
Princeton 102
Ann Arbor 98
Buffalo 66
Beijing 57
Altamura 56
Bern 53
Lawrence 52
Medford 52
Mumbai 47
Melbourne 46
Boardman 43
Rome 43
Shanghai 39
Boston 36
Jacksonville 34
Falls Church 33
Miami 33
Como 31
Moscow 31
Redwood City 25
Barcelona 23
San Diego 23
Kent 22
Jakarta 17
Los Angeles 17
Hangzhou 16
Dong Ket 15
Helsinki 15
Milan 14
Chongqing 13
Prato 13
Abidjan 12
Brussels 12
Andover 11
Bologna 11
Hillsboro 11
Norwalk 11
New York 10
Vienna 10
Guangzhou 9
Bremen 8
Munich 8
San Mateo 8
Madrid 7
Montecatini Terme 7
Nanjing 7
Yubileyny 7
Cesate 6
Izmir 6
Laurel 6
Padova 6
Zurich 6
Lappeenranta 5
London 5
Montesilvano 5
Phoenix 5
Pisa 5
Tappahannock 5
Toronto 5
Amantea 4
Arequipa 4
Cagliari 4
Nagold 4
Naples 4
Paris 4
Perugia 4
Terni 4
West Jordan 4
Brno 3
Catania 3
Changsha 3
Cyberjaya 3
Genoa 3
Greystones 3
Harbin 3
Leeds 3
Menlo Park 3
Pistoia 3
Prague 3
Redmond 3
Rimini 3
Romola 3
San Miguel de Meruelo 3
São Paulo 3
Taipei 3
Turin 3
Totale 6.440
Nome #
Bayesian model updating of historic masonry towers through dynamic experimental data 247
Vortex-shedding mechanism for the BARC rectangular section in smooth and turbulent flow 226
Low-speed galloping for rectangular cylinders with side ratios larger than unity 216
Interference of vortex-induced vibration and galloping: experiments and mathematical modelling 210
A Bayesian model updating framework for robust seismic fragility analysis of non-isolated historic masonry towers 208
Modelling the interaction of VIV and galloping for rectangular cylinders 203
VIV-galloping instability of a rectangular cylinder in turbulent flow 194
Interference of vortex-induced vibration and transverse galloping for a rectangular cylinder 173
Epistemic Uncertainties in Structural Modeling: A Blind Benchmark for Seismic Assessment of Slender Masonry Towers 172
Aeroelastic stability of two long-span arch structures: A collaborative experience in two wind tunnel facilities 164
Una nuova formulazione semi-empirica per la stima della prima frequenza naturale di torri storiche in muratura 162
Analisi push-over di una parete snella in muratura: modellazioni a confronto 160
Semiempirical Formulations for Estimating the Main Frequency of Slender Masonry Towers 156
A critical database for the Strouhal number of bridge decks 152
The effects of free-stream turbulence and angle of attack on the aerodynamics of a cylinder with rectangular 5:1 cross section 137
Probabilistic seismic-damage of masonry towers 134
Incremental dynamic and nonlinear static analyses for seismic assessment of medieval masonry towers 129
Van der Pol-type equation for modeling vortex-induced oscillations of bridge decks 128
VIV–galloping instability of rectangular cylinders: Review and new experiments 128
Wind tunnel modeling for the vortex-induced vibrations of a yawed bridge tower 123
Recent researches in Wind Engineering at CRIACIV, Inter-University Research Center on Building Aerodynamics and Wind Engineering 122
Measurements and improved model of vortex-induced vibration for an elongated rectangular cylinder 120
Probabilistic seismic performance of masonry towers: General procedure and a simplified implementation 115
Modeling the interference of vortex-induced vibration and galloping for a slender rectangular prism 115
Confronto tra modellazioni numeriche non lineari della risposta sismica di torri in muratura 112
Towards a risk analysis of bridge decks prone to lock-in oscillations 112
Interference of vortex-induced vibration and galloping of a rectangular cylinder in turbulent flow 111
l crollo del ponte di Tacoma, settant'anni dopo 110
Wind tunnel study on the aerodynamics of a 5:1 rectangular cylinder in smooth flow 108
Tra tradizione e innovazione: materiali biocompositi per la rigenerazione del patrimonio architettonico esistente 103
TERMOINTONACI NATURALI PER MATRICI FIBROCOMPOSTE. Analisi strutturale-energetico-ambientale 101
On the role played by the openings on the first frequency of historic masonry towers 99
Experimental investigation on VIV-galloping interaction of a rectangular 3:2 cylinder 98
Analisi in galleria del vento e monitoraggio del viadotto sulla vallata dell’Oued Isser della nuova linea ferroviaria AV Oued Tlelat-Tlemcen in Algeria 98
Unsteady pressure and wake characteristics of a benchmark rectangular section in smooth and turbulent flow 97
Risk assessment of bridge decks prone to vortex induced vibrations 96
Aeroelastic instabilities of rectangular cylinders with various side ratios 96
Experimental study on the interference of vortex-induced vibration and transverse galloping for a rectangular cylinder 96
Multi-risk assessment in a historical city 96
Influence of the masonry wall thickness on the outcomes of double flat-jack test: Experimental and numerical investigation 95
Experimental activities on a cable-stayed footbridge 94
VIV mechanisms of a non-streamlined bridge deck equipped with traffic barriers 93
A yawed bridge tower susceptible to vortex-induced vibrations 93
Interference of vortex-induced vibration and galloping: Experiments and modeling for a rectangular cylinder 92
Experimental investigation on the VIV-galloping instability of a 3:2 rectangular cylinder 91
Pressioni e forze aerodinamiche su un prisma a sezione rettangolare libero di oscillare 90
Full-Aeroelastic Model of CAARC Building: Iterative Design Procedure and Wind Tunnel Tests 89
Modeling of vortex-induced vibrations of an elongated rectangular cylinder through wake-oscillator models 89
Unsteady galloping of a rectangular cylinder in turbulent flow 87
Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a rectangular 4:1 cylinder: experiments and modeling 87
A new compatible and sustainable composite material for the seismic and energetic upgrade of the existing masonry building heritage - Progettazione di un materiale composito ecosostenibile per la riduzione della vulnerabilità sismica e la riqualificazione energetica del patrimonio edilizio storico in muratura. 87
Time-frequency and POD analysis of the experimental pressure field around a 5:1 rectangular cylinder 86
VIV and galloping instability of a rectangular cylinder with a side ratio of 1.5 85
A Bayesian FE-model updating of slender masonry structures for robust seismic assessment 85
Direct numerical identification of aeroelastic parameters at lock-in 81
Interdependence of mechanical parameters on probabilistic seismic performance of masonry towers 80
The results of the experimental campaign on the BARC benchmark 79
A New Compatible and Sustainable FRLM Composite for the Seismic and Energetic Upgrade of Historic Buildings 78
Multi-risk mitigation in art cities 78
Multi-Hazard and Multi-vulnerability Analysis in Historical Urban Areas: Challenges and Opportunities 77
Robust seismic fragility curves for masonry towers and their Bayesian updating using experimental data 77
Experimental and numerical study of nonlinear galloping oscillations interfering with vortex-induced excitation 77
Aerodynamic forces, wake flow and VIV response of a yawed bridge tower 77
The effects of turbulence on the interference of VIV and galloping for a rectangular cylinder 75
Numerical Investigation on the Use of Flat-Jack Test for Detecting Masonry Deformability 75
Pressure field around a rectangular 5:1 cylinder in smooth flow 74
Peculiar aspects of flow-induced vibration of rectangular sections subjected to air and water flows 74
Sectional Aerodynamics Forces and their Longitudinal Correlation on a Vibrating 5:1 Rectagular Cylinder 74
VIV and galloping interaction for a 3:2 rectangular cylinder 74
Vortex-induced vibrations of a yawed bridge tower 72
Main frequency of slender masonry towers by semi-empirical formulations 70
Comportamento aeroelastico di un cilindro rettangolare 3:2 68
Uncertainty quantification in the damage assessment of ancient masonry towers through Bayesian discrete-model updating of a cantilever beam 65
Seismic and energetic renovation of existing masonry buildings by innovative FRLM composite materials 62
Full-scale dynamic measurements system for FE-model updating of masonry buildings aggregates 59
Wind loads on unclad automated rack supported warehouses 58
STEELWAR project: wind tunnel tests on automated rack supported warehouses 56
Super long span bridges: wind-resistant design developments and open issues 55
Seismic response of masonry towers via nonlinear static and incremental dynamic analysis 55
Wake-oscillator models for vortex-induced vibrations of a 4:1 rectangular cylinder 54
Wind loads on structural members of rack-supported warehouses 54
Aerodynamic force coefficients for structural members of automated rack supported warehouses 52
Identificazione di parametri aeroelastici in lock-in su un prisma rettangolare 49
Wind loads on unclad automated multi depth shuttle rack supported warehouses 49
Predictions of VIV-mathematical models for a rectangular 4:1 cylinder 46
Effects of barriers and angle of attack on the vortex-induced vibration of non-streamlined bridge decks 45
HFBB model test for tall buildings: A comparative benchmark with a full-aeroelastic model 40
Seismic fragility curves of masonry building aggregates including vibration-based Bayesian model updating 38
Proposal for determination of wind action on steel rack supported warehouses during execution 34
Downburst wind loading on bridge decks through an analytical model 10
Bayesian FE-Model Updating of a Curved Approaching Span of the Indiano Bridge in Florence 5
Totale 9.160
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.279
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.279

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020576 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 133 111 73 104 20
2020/2021717 62 54 44 85 40 64 51 56 57 99 47 58
2021/2022573 13 48 40 18 21 19 27 40 29 29 130 159
2022/20231.405 145 185 54 130 110 242 212 64 123 22 42 76
2023/2024673 30 58 91 43 44 91 43 119 24 39 50 41
2024/20253.477 204 422 231 586 1.303 714 17 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.160