Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.480
EU - Europa 9.118
AS - Asia 1.839
AF - Africa 118
SA - Sud America 25
OC - Oceania 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 24.597
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.423
RU - Federazione Russa 2.782
PL - Polonia 2.081
IE - Irlanda 980
IT - Italia 905
SE - Svezia 822
SG - Singapore 578
UA - Ucraina 526
HK - Hong Kong 432
DE - Germania 362
FI - Finlandia 284
CN - Cina 248
IN - India 208
GB - Regno Unito 188
TR - Turchia 119
JO - Giordania 114
CI - Costa d'Avorio 81
FR - Francia 69
KR - Corea 61
CA - Canada 47
BE - Belgio 42
VN - Vietnam 40
SC - Seychelles 31
NL - Olanda 25
ES - Italia 22
CH - Svizzera 20
BR - Brasile 14
JP - Giappone 12
IL - Israele 11
AU - Australia 10
MX - Messico 10
TW - Taiwan 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
AR - Argentina 4
CO - Colombia 4
IR - Iran 3
EG - Egitto 2
EU - Europa 2
ID - Indonesia 2
PH - Filippine 2
VE - Venezuela 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AT - Austria 1
CL - Cile 1
EE - Estonia 1
GR - Grecia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 24.597
Città #
Santa Clara 2.641
Warsaw 2.080
Fairfield 1.335
Chandler 1.166
Dublin 977
Jacksonville 803
Ashburn 636
Woodbridge 634
Cambridge 615
Houston 591
Seattle 555
Wilmington 472
Singapore 446
Princeton 310
Ann Arbor 293
Boston 243
Boardman 193
Mumbai 185
Altamura 184
Lawrence 184
Hong Kong 176
Beijing 138
Florence 121
Izmir 116
Medford 111
Buffalo 109
Abidjan 81
San Diego 80
Norwalk 73
Moscow 63
Falls Church 51
Kent 48
Shanghai 48
Frankfurt Am Main 43
Los Angeles 41
Seongnam 41
Milan 38
Hillsboro 35
Brussels 33
Dong Ket 28
Yubileyny 28
Andover 26
Salerno 24
Toronto 21
Auburn Hills 19
Pisa 19
West Jordan 19
New York 18
Rome 18
Bern 17
Saint Petersburg 17
Phoenix 16
Barcelona 15
Ottawa 15
Redwood City 14
Verona 14
Livorno 10
London 10
Mexico 10
Redmond 10
Helsinki 9
Ramat Gan 9
Dearborn 8
Dronten 8
Pune 8
Seoul 8
Lucca 7
Menlo Park 7
Tappahannock 7
Bologna 6
Bremen 6
Campi Bisenzio 6
Genoa 6
Leuven 6
Padova 6
Sydney 6
Turin 6
Edinburgh 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Grevenbroich 5
San Jose 5
Torino 5
Bogotá 4
Brescia 4
Guelders 4
La Spezia 4
Laurel 4
Medininagar 4
Montréal 4
Nanjing 4
North Bergen 4
Olomouc 4
Prato 4
Roverbella 4
Tokyo 4
Udine 4
Ancona 3
Arnsberg 3
Belém 3
Berlin 3
Totale 16.569
Nome #
From individual to collective immunity: The role of the venom as antimicrobial agent in the Stenogastrinae wasp societies 384
Chemical disguise of myrmecophilous cockroaches and its implications for understanding nestmate recognition mechanisms in leaf-cutting ants 259
Facial markings in the hover wasps: quality signals and familiar recognition cues in two species of Stenogastrinae 256
Beyond the antipredatory defence: Honey bee venom function as a component of social immunity 255
The rules of aggression: how genetic, chemical and spatial factors affect intercolony fights in a dominant species, the Mediterranean acrobat ant Crematogaster scutellaris 253
Exploring proteins in Anopheles gambiae male and female antennae through MALDI mass spectrometry profiling 250
Evidence for antiseptic behaviour towards sick adult bees in honey bee colonies 250
Habitually used hibernation sites of paper wasps are marked with venom and cuticular peptides 245
Dominulin A and B: two new antibacterial peptides identified on the cuticle and in the venom of the social paper wasp Polistes dominulus using MALDI-TOF, MALDI-TOF/TOF, and ESI-ion trap. 238
Available kin recognition cues may explain why wasp behavior reflects relatedness to nest mates 234
Role of social wasps in Saccharomyces cerevisiae ecology and evolution 232
Detection of Honeybee Venom in Envenomed Tissues by Direct MALDI MSI 230
Long-term assessment reveals the hidden and hiding effects of experimental stress on ant colonies 216
Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality 214
Ontogenic caste differences in the Van der Vecht organ of primitively eusocial neotropical paper wasps 191
Antennal protein profile in honeybees: Caste and task matter more than age 173
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Induces Immune Enhancing and Shapes Gut Microbiota in Social Wasps 156
Studi sul comportamento della varroa e del suo ospite: esplorare nuove strade per difendersi da questo parassita. 155
Characterization of the major allergens purified from the venom of the paper wasp Polistes gallicus 147
Can cuticular lipids provide sufficient information for within colony nepotism in wasps? 142
Alarm communication in Ropalidia social wasps 135
Phenotypic characterization of cryptic Diplodia species by MALDI-TOF MS and the bias of mycelium age 128
Hibernation clustering and its consequences on associative nest foundation in Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera Vespidae). 126
Food resources, chemical signaling, and nest mate recognition in the ant Formica aquilonia 125
Alternative mating tactics in males of Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae). 123
Can venom volatiles be a taxonomic tool for Polistes wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) 122
Antibacterial activity of larval saliva of the European paper wasp Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). 121
Solid-phase microextraction of insect epicuticular hydrocarbons for gas chromatographic mass spectrometric analysis 121
Dominance Interactions in Young Adult Paper Wasp (Polistes dominulus) Foundresses: A Playlike Behavior? 120
Natural biocide disrupts nestmate recognition in honeybees 120
Major changes in the sex differences in cuticular chemical profiles of the western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis) after laboratory rearing 119
Capacità delle api di riconoscere foraggiatrici estranee alla colonia con il profilo cuticolare alterato da Varroa. 118
Workers of a Polistes Paper Wasp Detect the Presence of Their Queen by Chemical Cues 117
Use of Dufour's gland secretion in nest defence and brood nutrition by hover wasps (Hymenoptera Stenogastrinae) 117
Spring usurpation restlessness : a wasp social parasite adapts its seasonal activity to the host cycle. 117
Comparative analysis of epicuticular lipid profiles of sympatric and allopatric field populations of Anopheles gambiae s.s. molecular forms and An. arabiensis from Burkina Faso (West Africa) 115
A new role for antennation in paper wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae): antennal courtship and sex dimorphic glands in antennomeres. 115
Social dominance molds cuticular and egg chemical blends in a paper wasp 114
Behaviour and chemical signature of pre-hibernating females of Polistes dominulus infected by the strepsipteran Xenos vesparum. 113
Integration strategies of a leaf-cutting ant social parasite 112
Esiste integrazione chimica fra la prole del parassita sociale Polistes sulcifer e quella del suo ospite P. dominulus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)? 111
The cost of queen loss in the social wasp Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) 110
Caste differences in venom volatiles and their effects in allarm behaviour in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus 109
Expression of Odorant-binding Proteins and Chemosensory Proteins in some Hymenoptera 108
Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) larvae show different cuticular patterns according to their sex: workers seem not use this chemical information 108
Behavioural evidence for the involvement of Dufour’s Gland secretion in nestmate recognition in the social wasp Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera: Vespidea) 108
Differences in venom and cuticular peptides in individuals of Apis mellifera(Hymenoptera: Apidae) determined by MALDI-TOF MS 108
Nesting habit and alarm pheromones in Polistes gallicus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). 107
Bee guards detect foreign foragers with cuticular chemical profiles altered by phoretic varroa mites 107
The social parasite wasp Polistes atrimandibularis does not form host races. 107
Volatiles from the venom of five species of paper wasps (Polistes dominulus, P. gallicus, P. nimphus, P. sulcifer and P. olivaceus) 106
Differential Expression of Odorant-Binding Proteins in the Mandibular Glands of the Honey Bee According to Caste and Age 106
Larval sex identification in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus (Vespidae, Hymenoptera). 106
Cuticular Hydrocarbons Rather Than Peptides Are Responsible for Nestmate Recognition in Polistes dominulus. 105
Sulcopolistes atrimandibularis, social parasite and predator of an alpine Polistes (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) 104
Defensive responses to visual and vibrational stimulations in colonies of the social wasp Polistes dominulus 104
Genetic relatedness in primitively eusocial wasps 104
Hydrocarbon rank signatures correlate with differential oophagy and dominance behaviour in Polistes dominulus foundresses 104
Stripes display in hover wasps (Vespidae-Stenogastrinae): a socially costly status badge. 104
Speed and accuracy in nest-mate recognition: A hover wasp prioritizes face recognition over colony odour cues to minimize intrusion by outsiders 104
Associative foundation and nesting sites in Polistes nimpha. 103
Chemical mimicry in an incipient leaf-cutting ant social parasite 103
Dufour’s gland contents of queens of the slave-making ant "Polyergus rufescens" and its host species "Formica cunicularia". 103
Increased immunocompetence and network centrality of allogroomer workers suggest a link between individual and social immunity in honeybees. 103
The leks of Polistes dominula paper wasps: tiny abdominal spots play a critical role in male attacks toward potential rivals 102
Pre-hibernating aggregations of Polistes dominulus: an occasion to study early dominance assessment in social insects. 101
Timing matters when assessing dominance and chemical signatures in the paper wasp polistes dominulus 101
Use of solid-phase microextraction in the investigation of chemical communication in social wasps 100
Cervo R., Baracchi D., Ortolani I., Zechini L., Dapporto L., Beani L., Turillazzi S.Comunicazione visiva nella vespa cartonaia Polistes dominulus. 100
Chemical characterization of the alarm pheromone in the venom of Polybia occidentalis and of volatiles from the venom of P. sericea 99
Dynamics of chemical mimicry in the social parasite wasp Polistes semenowi (Hymenoptera Vespidae) 99
Recognition of a paper wasp social parasite by its host: evidence for a visual signal reducing host aggressiveness 99
Direct assessment of queen quality and lack of worker suppression in a paper wasp 98
Multiple reproductive strategies in a tropical hover wasp 98
Nestmate Recognition Cues in the Honey Bee: Differential Importance of Cuticular Alkanes and Alkenes 98
Olfactory cues in host nest detection by the social parasite Polistes sulcifer (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). 98
Overlap at landmarks by lek-territorial and swarming males of two sympatric polistine wasps (Hymenoptera Vespidae). 98
Visual Signals of Individual Quality in a European Solitary Founding Paper Wasp 97
Evidence of alarm pheromones in the venom of Polistes dominulus workers (Hymenoptera Vespidae) 97
Differences in venom and cuticular peptides in individuals of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) determined by MALDI-TOF MS 97
Determinants of immature brood and nest recognition in a stenogastrine wasp(Hymenoptera Vespidae). 97
Pleometrotic colony foundation in the ant Crematogaster scutellaris (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): better be alone than in bad company 97
Chemical nestmate recognition in a stenogastrine wasp, Liostenogaster flavolineata (Hymenoptera Vespidae) 96
Territorial behaviour in males of Polistes nimpha (Christ) (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) 96
Incipient morphological castes in Polistes gallicus(Vespidae, Hymenoptera) 95
Rank and epicuticular hydrocarbons in different populations of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus (Christ) (Hymenoptera Vespidae) 95
Medium molecular weight polar substances of the cuticle as tools in the study of the taxonomy, systematics and chemical ecology of tropical hover wasps (Hymenoptera:Stenogastrinae) 95
Nestmate recognition in three species of stenogastrine wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) 94
The relationships between cuticular hydrocarbon composition, faunal assemblages, inter-island distance, and population genetic variation in Tuscan Archipelago wasps 94
Chemical Communication and Reproduction Partitioning in Social Wasps 94
The morphology of Van der Vecth's organ as a tool to measure caste dimorphism in Polistes paper wasps: a comparative approach 94
Making the right choice: how Crematogaster scutellaris queens choose to co-found in relation to nest availability 94
Phylogenetic relationships among paper wasp social parasites and their hosts (Hymenoptera, Vespidae; Polistinae) 93
Foraging activity in European Polistes wasps (Hymenoptera Vespidae). Boll. Soc. Entomol. Ital. 93
Not only cuticular lipids: First evidence of differences between foundresses and their daughters in polar substances in the paper wasp Polistes dominulus 93
Home range analysis in the study of spatial organization on the comb in the paper wasp polistes dominulus. 93
Abdomen stroking behaviour and its possible functions in Polistes dominulus 92
No evidence of queen immunisation despite transgenerational immunisation in Crematogaster scutellaris ants 92
Totale 12.966
Categoria #
all - tutte 65.502
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 65.502

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.589 0 0 0 0 355 448 338 477 324 220 361 66
2020/20212.526 250 156 184 238 89 370 90 220 217 345 155 212
2021/20221.811 38 245 112 84 65 51 59 121 74 50 296 616
2022/20234.370 461 541 144 404 383 895 556 237 511 39 127 72
2023/20241.452 94 232 329 92 88 107 65 239 27 56 75 48
2024/20257.028 350 1.202 826 1.491 3.159 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 24.831