Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 4.144
NA - Nord America 3.613
AS - Asia 1.037
AF - Africa 132
OC - Oceania 57
SA - Sud America 12
Totale 8.995
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.552
PL - Polonia 1.508
RU - Federazione Russa 888
IT - Italia 543
IE - Irlanda 424
SE - Svezia 248
SG - Singapore 215
CN - Cina 180
HK - Hong Kong 148
GB - Regno Unito 130
IN - India 106
FI - Finlandia 104
TR - Turchia 72
ES - Italia 67
CA - Canada 59
CH - Svizzera 57
JO - Giordania 52
AU - Australia 51
DE - Germania 48
TW - Taiwan 39
VN - Vietnam 38
KR - Corea 32
MY - Malesia 31
FR - Francia 30
NO - Norvegia 28
PK - Pakistan 25
CI - Costa d'Avorio 23
IR - Iran 21
ZA - Sudafrica 20
KE - Kenya 18
UG - Uganda 18
IQ - Iraq 17
NL - Olanda 17
ET - Etiopia 14
ID - Indonesia 13
GH - Ghana 11
JP - Giappone 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
BR - Brasile 8
TH - Thailandia 8
UA - Ucraina 8
BE - Belgio 7
NG - Nigeria 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
BH - Bahrain 5
DK - Danimarca 5
MA - Marocco 5
PH - Filippine 5
TZ - Tanzania 5
BW - Botswana 4
KW - Kuwait 4
RO - Romania 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
AT - Austria 3
BD - Bangladesh 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
CM - Camerun 3
PT - Portogallo 3
TJ - Tagikistan 3
AL - Albania 2
EG - Egitto 2
GR - Grecia 2
GT - Guatemala 2
IL - Israele 2
LT - Lituania 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
SO - Somalia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
OM - Oman 1
PE - Perù 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SI - Slovenia 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SM - San Marino 1
Totale 8.995
Città #
Warsaw 1.477
Chandler 438
Fairfield 437
Dublin 408
Ashburn 248
Woodbridge 209
Seattle 194
Cambridge 191
Singapore 165
Wilmington 155
Houston 138
Princeton 137
Florence 112
Ann Arbor 98
Beijing 95
Altamura 91
Lawrence 85
Mumbai 73
Boston 69
Buffalo 62
Boardman 58
Medford 58
Bern 49
Hong Kong 49
Barcelona 48
New York 44
Shanghai 32
San Diego 31
Toronto 30
Taipei 29
Norwalk 26
Dong Ket 25
Abidjan 23
Falls Church 23
Santa Clara 22
Serdang 21
Jacksonville 20
Los Angeles 20
Izmir 19
Kent 18
Nairobi 18
Dearborn 15
Melbourne 14
Montreal 14
Philadelphia 14
Cape Town 13
Milan 13
Moscow 13
New Delhi 13
Rome 13
Oslo 12
Tralee 12
Adelaide 11
Dresden 11
Seodaemun-gu 11
Consett 10
Hillsboro 10
Manchester 10
Tema 9
Dallas 8
Frankfurt am Main 8
Ho Chi Minh City 8
Hobart 8
Kampala 8
San Giuliano Terme 8
Seoul 8
Sydney 8
Tehran 8
Andover 7
Brescia 7
Chicago 7
Hamilton 7
Karachi 7
Old Bridge 7
Ankara 6
Auckland 6
Boone 6
Brno 6
Cleveland 6
Colchester 6
College Park 6
Lagos 6
Laurel 6
Oviedo 6
Phoenix 6
Ryton 6
Santa Monica 6
Sialkot 6
Verona 6
Adrano 5
Arezzo 5
Bodø 5
Bremen 5
Brussels 5
Caicó 5
Cedar Knolls 5
Copenhagen 5
Daejeon 5
Dar es Salaam 5
Hamad Town 5
Totale 6.022
Nome #
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 923
Antimeningococcal and antipneumococcal vaccination determinants: A European systematic literature review 245
Language support for linguistic minority chronic hepatitis B/C patients: an exploratory study of availability and clinicians' perceptions of language barriers in six European countries 235
Determinants of European parents' decision on the vaccination of their children against measles, mumps and rubella: A systematic review and meta-analysis 233
Human papilloma virus vaccination: impact and recommendations across the world. 221
Surveillance of adverse events following immunization with meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine: Tuscany, 2005-2012 193
The role of the general practitioner in the screening and clinical management of chronic viral hepatitis in six EU countries. 189
Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 184
Promozione della salute: attività fisica 171
Vaccines Safety in Children and in General Population: A Pharmacovigilance Study on Adverse Events Following Anti-Infective Vaccination in Italy 148
Identification of hepatitis B and C screening and patient management guidelines and availability of training for chronic viral hepatitis among health professionals in six European countries: Results of a semi-quantitative survey 139
Italian validation of the Perinatal Grief Scale. 137
Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013 135
How the knowledge of interactions between meningococcus and the human immune system has been used to prepare effective Neisseria meningitidis vaccines 135
Epidemiology of iron deficiency anaemia in four European countries: A population-based study in primary care 127
The "Fluad Case" in Italy: Could it have been dealt differently? 124
The burden of hospitalization due to HPV infections in Tuscany, Central Italy 120
Evaluation of bivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine safety and tolerability in a sample of 25 year old Tuscan women. 107
Impact on disease incidence of a routine universal and catch-up vaccination strategy against Neisseria meningitidis C in Tuscany, Italy 103
Referral of newly diagnosed chronic hepatitis B and C patients in six EU countries: Results of the HEPscreen Project 100
Acellular pertussis vaccine use in risk groups (adolescents, pregnant women, newborns and health care workers): A review of evidences and recommendations 96
Human papillomavirus prevalence in paired urine and cervical samples in women invited for cervical cancer screening 95
Strategies and actions of multi-purpose health communication on vaccine preventable infectious diseases in order to increase vaccination coverage in the population: The ESCULAPIO project 95
Attitude toward immunization and risk perception of measles, rubella, mumps, varicella, and pertussis in health care workers working in 6 hospitals of Florence, Italy 2011. 94
An overview on the implementation of HPV vaccination in Europe. 91
Cost-effectiveness of new adult pneumococcal vaccination strategies in Italy. 90
Limited access to hepatitis B/C treatment among vulnerable risk populations: an expert survey in six European countries 88
Sero-epidemiology of hepatitis B markers in the population of Tuscany, Central Italy, 20 years after the implementation of universal vaccination. 86
Patient Adherence to Olmesartan/Amlodipine Combinations: Fixed Versus Extemporaneous Combinations 86
Awareness of hepatitis B and C screening and patient management guidelines among health professionals in six European countries 84
Influenza vaccination and stillbirth prevention in high income countries: Is it really that effective? 82
Adiuvanti e vaccini coniugati 81
Hepatitis B: Are at-risk individuals vaccinated if screened and found negative for HBV? Results of an online survey conducted in six EU countries 77
Stillbirth and perinatal care: Are professionals trained to address parents' needs? 76
Safety and tolerability of bivalent HPV vaccine: An Italian post-licensure study. 75
Un caso di studio su una sospetta associazione tra vaccinazione anti-varicella e reazione avversa a vaccino. 75
Risk of prostate cancer in low-dose aspirin users: A retrospective cohort study 73
Abitudini di vita e stato nutrizionale di preadolescenti e adolescenti che praticano sport 71
The burden of disease of Herpes Zoster in Tuscany 71
Valutazione del rischio di morbillo, rosolia e parotite negli operatori sanitari dell’azienda sanitaria di Firenze (ASF) 68
Epatite B e C: pratiche di counselling e referral in soggetti migranti (progetto HEPSCREEN) 68
Stesura di linee guida per i piani pandemici aziendali della Regione Toscana 67
20 anni di vaccinazione anti-epatite B in Italia: una valutazione economica. 67
Influenza vaccination 2014-2015: Results of a survey conducted among general practitioners in Italy. 67
Progress in the elimination of measles and congenital rubella in Central Italy. 67
Aderenza alla dieta mediterranea, stili di vita e valutazione antropometrica di u gruppo di ragazzi che praticano attività sportiva 66
Valutazioni antropometriche e di composizione corporea in un campione di ragazzi che praticano attività sportiva 66
Composizione corporea, misure antropometriche ed abitudini di vita di ragazzi che praticano sport 65
Accessi ai pronto soccorso della ASL 10 – Firenze 65
Risk perception about GMOs and food choices among adolescents attending secondary schools: a Tuscan case 64
L’efficacia del vaccino anti-HPV 63
A retrospective analysis of hospital discharge records for S. pneumoniae diseases in the elderly population of Florence, Italy, 2010-2012: Implications for immunization policies 61
Organizational models of school health services in the WHO European Region. 61
Il calcolo del Burden of Disease dell'asma da lavoro in Toscana: aspetti metodologici e risultati preliminari 60
Qualità del servizio di counselling per i pazienti con epatite B e C in Italia: risultati del progetto europeo 'Screening for hepatitis B and C among migrants in the European Union' (HEPSCREEN). 60
Hepatitis B: are at-risk individuals vaccinated if screened and found negative for HBV? Results of an online survey conducted in six EU countries 60
Measuring the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: a baseline analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 59
Stillbirth and perinatal care: an Italian professional perspective. 57
Analisi retrospettiva sulle schede di dimissione ospedaliera per patologie potenzialmente attribuibili allo pneumococco negli anziani ricoverati a Firenze tra il 2010 e il 2012. 56
Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 56
Screening for viral hepatitis among migrants in the EU – the quest for ‘good screening practice’. 56
Le abitudini sessuali e i fattori di rischio per l’infezione da HPV degli studenti universitari fiorentini. 55
Una tematica finora poco esplorata in Sanità Pubblica: valutazione dell’esposizione ai campi elettromagnetici prodotti dai sistemi elettronici antitaccheggio 55
Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 310 diseases and injuries, 1990–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 55
Adiuvati e vaccini coniugati. 54
Studio siero-epidemiologico sull’epatite virale B in Toscana 20 anni dopo l’introduzione della vaccinazione universale 53
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of cerebrovascular events in patients with osteoarthritis: a nested case–control study 52
Present situation and new perspectives for vaccination against Neisseria meningitidis in Tuscany, Central Italy 51
Il carico di malattia da Herpes Zoster in Toscana: risultati di uno studio retrospettivo delle schede di dimissione ospedaliera in Regione Toscana nel periodo 2002-2012 51
Adolescenti, biotecnologie e sicurezza alimentare: la percezione del rischio negli stakeholder del domani 50
Sexual behavior, use of contraceptive methods and risk factors for HPV infections of students living in Central Italy: implications for vaccination strategies 50
L'invio del paziente con epatite cronica alle cure specialistiche: risultati del progetto europeo 'Screening for hepatitis B and C among migrants in the European Union' (HEPSCREEN). 50
Exploring how commonly diagnosing services refer newly diagnosed chronic hepatitis B and C patients to specialist secondary care: the views of hepatologists, gastroenterologists and infectious diseases specialists in six EU countries. 50
Epidemiologia e prevenzione delle malattie infettive 49
Esculapio: A project to elaborate strategies and actions of multi-purpose health communication on vaccine preventable infectious diseases in order to increase vaccination coverage in the population 48
Come si sono organizzate le ASL e AO Toscane all’arrivo della pandemia influenzale. 48
Economic analysis of the first 20 y of universal hepatitis B vaccination program in Italy: An a posteriori evaluation and forecast of future benefits. 46
Sicurezza e tollerabilita’ del vaccino antimeningococco C coniugato in Toscana dal 2005 al 2012. 45
Chronic hepatitis B and C patient management and treatment restrictions – current practice in 6 European countries. 44
E’ economicamente conveniente vaccinare gli anziani con una dose di vaccino 13-valente contro lo pneumococco? 43
Vaccini coniugati anti-meningococco: una revisione degli studi famacoeconomici e strategie vaccinali internazionali a confronto 42
Safety and tolerability of meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine in Tuscany from 2005 to 2012. 40
Quanto si vaccinano gli operatori sanitari contro l’influenza? 38
Prevenzione terziaria 37
Sicurezza e tollerabilità del vaccino bivalente Hpv: uno studio italiano spontaneo post-commercializzazione. 37
È conveniente somministrare una dose di vaccino 13-valente contro lo pneumococco a bambini già vaccinati con tre dosi di vaccino 7-valente? 36
Il sistema sanitario cinese: storia, contraddizioni, prospettive. 35
Confronto fra due metodologie di calcolo dei pesi di disabilità: l’esempio degli infortuni sul lavoro. 35
Predictors of Serious Adverse Events Following Immunization: 1-Year Pharmacovigilance Study in General Population 35
Presentazione Proposte Calendari Vaccinali: Adulti. Le motivazioni strategiche di un calendario vaccinale SItI per gli adulti 34
Come valutare l’impatto di un programma di vaccinazione disponendo di dati epidemiologici ed economici: una proposta di metodologia di ampia applicazione. 33
Estimate and needs of the transgender adult population: the SPoT study 31
Current Hepatitis B and C Screening Practices for First Generation Migrants and Barriers to Screening: Results from an online questionnaire survey of experts in Germany, The Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, UK and Spain 31
I tipi di vaccino 30
Effectiveness del vaccino anti-pneumococco nell’adulto: rivalutazione economica della vaccinazione. 30
Case-Control Study on the Routes of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 after the Third Pandemic Wave in Tuscany, Central Italy 29
Totale 8.862
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.386
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.386

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.096 0 0 0 101 153 143 146 158 130 115 132 18
2020/2021760 76 85 29 119 38 93 38 51 69 93 30 39
2021/2022614 6 88 29 39 23 16 14 41 22 16 92 228
2022/20231.838 196 278 69 124 140 331 253 112 217 13 37 68
2023/20241.495 28 82 125 38 152 254 305 283 62 45 55 66
2024/20251.371 218 515 326 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.094