Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 7.068
NA - Nord America 3.761
AS - Asia 819
OC - Oceania 62
AF - Africa 60
SA - Sud America 48
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 11.821
Nazione #
IT - Italia 4.567
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.717
RU - Federazione Russa 755
PL - Polonia 738
IE - Irlanda 189
HK - Hong Kong 183
FR - Francia 173
SG - Singapore 170
CN - Cina 137
GB - Regno Unito 111
SE - Svezia 108
DE - Germania 91
TR - Turchia 68
ES - Italia 65
NL - Olanda 63
IN - India 58
AU - Australia 54
FI - Finlandia 52
CH - Svizzera 47
TH - Thailandia 47
CA - Canada 41
BE - Belgio 33
PH - Filippine 33
ID - Indonesia 29
BR - Brasile 27
ZA - Sudafrica 26
VN - Vietnam 23
GR - Grecia 22
MY - Malesia 19
CI - Costa d'Avorio 15
PK - Pakistan 15
JP - Giappone 14
RO - Romania 9
CL - Cile 8
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 8
EG - Egitto 7
AT - Austria 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
TW - Taiwan 6
CO - Colombia 5
PE - Perù 5
UA - Ucraina 5
HU - Ungheria 4
JO - Giordania 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
PT - Portogallo 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
AL - Albania 3
ET - Etiopia 3
HR - Croazia 3
IR - Iran 3
NG - Nigeria 3
NO - Norvegia 3
SC - Seychelles 3
CD - Congo 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EU - Europa 2
IL - Israele 2
JM - Giamaica 2
LV - Lettonia 2
SM - San Marino 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CY - Cipro 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
GH - Ghana 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KR - Corea 1
SI - Slovenia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 11.821
Città #
Santa Clara 1.678
Warsaw 728
Rome 458
Florence 304
Milan 296
Fairfield 193
Dublin 182
Chandler 151
Singapore 136
Bari 127
Naples 127
Ashburn 125
Hong Kong 121
Palermo 97
Woodbridge 91
Houston 84
Seattle 80
Cambridge 79
Turin 78
Wilmington 77
Altamura 64
Padova 61
Princeton 61
Ann Arbor 59
Lawrence 56
Bologna 54
Catania 54
Beijing 51
Bangkok 44
Boston 44
Buffalo 43
Boardman 38
Melbourne 37
Mumbai 37
Verona 37
Genoa 35
Paris 35
Bern 30
Moscow 30
Konya 26
Jakarta 22
Potchefstroom 22
Salerno 22
Ottawa 21
Redwood City 21
Taranto 21
Brescia 20
Messina 20
Cagliari 19
Medford 19
San Diego 19
Bergamo 18
Dong Ket 18
Campi Bisenzio 17
Certaldo 17
Siena 17
Vicenza 17
Livorno 16
Los Angeles 16
Pescara 16
Pisa 16
Prato 16
Shanghai 16
Abidjan 15
Cosenza 15
Helsinki 15
Lanzhou 14
Napoli 14
Reggio Calabria 14
Trieste 14
Catanzaro 13
Parma 13
Ancona 12
Modena 12
Trento 12
Brussels 11
Cattolica 11
Lucca 11
Rende 11
Ankara 10
Berlin 10
Falls Church 10
Ferrara 10
Norwalk 10
Torino 10
Airuno 9
Athens 9
Caserta 9
Córdoba 9
Delft 9
Islamabad 9
Oxford 9
Scandicci 9
Terni 9
Acquaviva delle Fonti 8
Angri 8
Aversa 8
Dallas 8
Foggia 8
Guangzhou 8
Totale 6.930
Nome #
Prevenire e contrastare il bullismo e il cyberbullismo 2.425
Florence Cyberbullying-Cybervictimization Scales (FCBVS): Factor structure and reliability in a sample of Italian adolescents 914
Evidence-based intervention against bullying and cyberbullying: measurement of the constructs, evaluation of efficacy and mediation processes 660
"Noncadiamointrappola" Un intervento Evidence-Based di prevenzione del bullismo e del cyberbullismo a scuola 499
I diversi volti del fallimento scolastico: ruolo dei predittori individuali e relazionali. 296
The Coping with Cyberbullying Questionnaire: Development of a New Measure 262
Diventare peer educator in un intervento anti-bullismo: quali meccanismi e processi alla base di questa decisione? 248
Il ciclo della violenza: maltrattamento familiare, bullismo e dating aggression psicologico 247
Psychometric properties of the florence cyberbullying-cybervictimization scales 235
Online and school-based programs to prevent cyberbullying among Italian adolescents: What works, why, and under which circumstances 225
Gli interventi preventivi sul gruppo classe: creare un clima positivo come antidoto al bullismo 218
Definition of cyberbullying among Italian adolescents: to what extent do criteria and type of behaviour matter? An investigation through the Cost scenarios 203
Evidence-based intervention against bullying and cyberbullying: Evaluation of the NoTrap! program in two independent trials 193
For Whom Is Anti-Bullying Intervention Most Effective? The Role of Temperament 181
Perceived severity of cyberbullying: Differences and similarities across four countries 180
How to Stop Victims’ Suffering? Indirect Effects of an Anti-Bullying Program on Internalizing Symptoms 168
Bullying and disability: A literature review about characteristics, consequences and prevention strategies 167
Emotions of moral disengagement, class norms and bullying in adolescence: A multilevel approach. 161
NoTrap! Online and School based intervention to prevent cyberbullying among adolescents. 157
Why do some students want to be actively involved as peer educators, while others do not? Findings from NoTrap! anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying program 149
Teachers’ Reaction in Homophobic Bullying Incidents: the Role of Self-efficacy and Homophobic Attitudes 145
Ethnic Bullying Victimization in Italy: The Role of Acculturation Orientation for Ethnic Minority Adolescents With Differing Citizenship Statuses 139
Voluntary Vs Nominated Peer Educators: a Randomized Trial within the NoTrap! Anti-Bullying Program 136
Noncadiamointrappola! (Let’s Not Fall Into the Trap!) Online and Offline Peer Led Models Against Bullying and Cyberbullying 136
Experiences in Close Relationships Revised Child version (ECR-RC): Psychometric evidence in support of a Security factor 130
La definizione del cyberbullismo tra gli adolescenti italiani: quali criteri e quali tipologie di comportamento risultano essere significative? 128
Noncadiamointrappola! Un intervento evidence-based di prevenzione e contrasto al bullismo e al cyberbullismo 126
Noncadiamointrappola! Reti faccia a faccia e online per la prevenzione e il contrasto del bullismo e del cyberbullismo. 125
Definitions of cyberbullying 118
The development of parental monitoring during adolescence: A meta-analysis 115
Empowering Students Against Bullying and Cyberbullying: Evaluation of an Italian Peer-led Model. 104
Adolescents’ Stress Reactions in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic at the Peak of the Outbreak in Italy 100
Development and Validation of the Ethnic Moral Disengagement Scale 100
ICTs opportunities and risks: Effectiveness of a nationwide intervention 97
Ethnic diversity and bullying in school: A systematic review 96
The effect of the NoTrap! Antibullying program on ethnic victimization: When the peer educators' immigrant status matters 96
Parental Mediation Strategies and Their Role on Youths' Online Privacy Disclosure and Protection: A Systematic Review 95
Gli interventi sistematici e certificati 94
Do the face-to-face actions of adults have an online impact? The effects of parent and teacher responses on cyberbullying among students 94
Cyberbullying: conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues 92
Cyberbullying Definition Among Adolescents: A Comparison Across Six European Countries 91
Positive and Negative Experiences of Living in COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Italian Adolescents’ Narratives 90
Peer support and the pupil's voice: The Notrap! Programme in Italy 89
Noncadiamointrappola! Dalla Maggioranza Silenziosa Ad Una Maggioranza Attiva. Valutazione Di Efficacia Di Un Intervento Antibullismo 88
Pathways to Resilience: The Parallel Change in Children’s Emotional Difficulties and Family Context During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy 88
Online and offline peer led models against bullying and cyberbullying 86
Definition of cyberbullying among Italian adolescents: to what extent do criteria and type of behavior matter? An investigation through COST scenarios 84
MDBQ - A new Measure to Assess Moral Disengagement for Bullying Situations: Comparing Different Structural Models. 84
Noncadiamointrappola! [let’s not fall into the trap!]: Online and school-based program to prevent cyberbullying among adolescents 83
The evaluation of «Quality» in psychology: A turbulent commentary on a much-needed manuscript 81
The impact of life environmental satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents' social-emotional adjustment: a 15-month latent profile study in Italy 74
Exposure to and Speaking Up Against Online Ethnic Hate Speech: The Role of Xenophobia in a Three-Wave Longitudinal Study 69
The association between school burnout, school connectedness, and bullying victimization: A longitudinal study 69
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bullying victimization and emotional symptoms: a longitudinal study on natives and students with immigrant backgrounds 67
Victimization, Cyber victimization and Internalizing Symptoms: Effects of the Noncadiamointrappola Intervention 67
Pathways to Resilience: The Parallel Change in Children's Emotional Difficulties and Family Context During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy 63
A measure of attributions for peer victimization: psychometric properties and differences among bullying roles 60
Is Moral Disengagement towards bullying a sociocognitive mediators or a more stable attitude? 60
What Works for Whom in School-Based Anti-bullying Interventions? An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis 57
Research ethics or ethics research? 55
Teachers’ Responses to Bullying Questionnaire: A Validation Study in Two Educational Contexts 55
The association between social/legal and perceptual aspects of ethnicity and ethnic bullying and victimization 52
The development of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI) during adolescence: A systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis 52
Let’s not fall into the trap! Online and offline peer led models against bullying and cyberbullying 52
Family Functioning, Identity Commitments, and School Value among Ethnic Minority and Ethnic Majority Adolescents 50
Noncadiamointrappola! Modelli di supporto tra adolescenti online e offline 47
null 40
Perceived parental prejudice and a tolerant class context in ethnic bullying: The buffering role of teachers 19
Negative attitudes towards ethnic minorities and ethnic bullying and discrimination: a systematic review and meta-analysis 16
Totale 11.942
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.712
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 25.712

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020323 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 86 61 77 21
2020/2021733 59 54 24 64 71 64 48 49 86 111 68 35
2021/2022603 19 39 55 36 53 37 33 38 42 27 90 134
2022/20231.735 100 139 55 68 108 189 122 79 103 307 265 200
2023/20242.798 182 129 233 225 246 172 223 449 135 288 314 202
2024/20253.837 230 369 284 526 1.383 746 197 102 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.942