Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 11.437
NA - Nord America 7.768
AS - Asia 1.706
OC - Oceania 120
AF - Africa 69
SA - Sud America 53
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 21.156
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.708
IT - Italia 5.793
PL - Polonia 2.345
RU - Federazione Russa 1.442
IE - Irlanda 423
SG - Singapore 319
HK - Hong Kong 291
SE - Svezia 289
CN - Cina 260
FR - Francia 187
GB - Regno Unito 186
DE - Germania 181
IN - India 158
FI - Finlandia 110
PH - Filippine 110
AU - Australia 106
ES - Italia 104
CH - Svizzera 89
BE - Belgio 84
ID - Indonesia 83
NL - Olanda 77
TH - Thailandia 76
TR - Turchia 66
TW - Taiwan 64
VN - Vietnam 61
CA - Canada 55
PK - Pakistan 45
KR - Corea 39
MY - Malesia 34
CI - Costa d'Avorio 33
UA - Ucraina 31
BR - Brasile 27
RO - Romania 21
IL - Israele 18
IR - Iran 18
JP - Giappone 16
ZA - Sudafrica 15
GR - Grecia 14
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 14
JO - Giordania 12
PE - Perù 10
CL - Cile 9
AT - Austria 8
EG - Egitto 8
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
LT - Lituania 6
NO - Norvegia 6
SA - Arabia Saudita 6
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 5
BD - Bangladesh 5
HU - Ungheria 5
MX - Messico 5
BN - Brunei Darussalam 4
CO - Colombia 4
IQ - Iraq 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
PT - Portogallo 4
AL - Albania 3
ET - Etiopia 3
HR - Croazia 3
SC - Seychelles 3
SM - San Marino 3
AR - Argentina 2
CD - Congo 2
CY - Cipro 2
EU - Europa 2
LV - Lettonia 2
MD - Moldavia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
UG - Uganda 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AM - Armenia 1
BO - Bolivia 1
GH - Ghana 1
KE - Kenya 1
LI - Liechtenstein 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
NG - Nigeria 1
QA - Qatar 1
Totale 21.156
Città #
Santa Clara 2.859
Warsaw 2.334
Fairfield 631
Rome 523
Florence 440
Dublin 407
Chandler 372
Milan 338
Ashburn 321
Woodbridge 288
Singapore 249
Seattle 248
Wilmington 236
Cambridge 233
Houston 227
Hong Kong 156
Princeton 137
Naples 136
Lawrence 134
Altamura 132
Palermo 123
Beijing 113
Ann Arbor 111
Turin 106
Bari 102
Boston 92
Boardman 87
Melbourne 83
Mumbai 76
Bangkok 73
Padova 72
Buffalo 67
Moscow 66
Bern 62
Bologna 58
Jacksonville 57
Jakarta 52
Verona 52
San Diego 49
Los Angeles 47
Catania 46
Certaldo 46
Medford 45
Antwerp 44
Dong Ket 39
Genoa 39
Prato 39
Brescia 37
Paris 36
Tainan City 36
Salerno 34
Abidjan 33
Shanghai 29
Livorno 28
Messina 27
Redwood City 27
Cagliari 26
Pisa 25
Pescara 23
Dallas 22
Siena 22
Izmir 21
Taranto 21
Torino 21
Helsinki 20
Incheon 20
Norwalk 20
Barcelona 19
Hillsboro 19
Seville 19
Vicenza 19
New York 18
Modena 17
Phoenix 17
Taipei 17
Berlin 16
Falls Church 16
Monsummano Terme 16
Petaling Jaya 16
Reggio Calabria 16
Konya 15
Parma 15
Trieste 15
Ancona 14
Chennai 14
Lucca 14
Sevilla 14
Bergamo 13
Ferrara 13
London 13
Napoli 13
Pescia 13
Trento 13
Yubileyny 13
Andover 12
Kent 12
Kolkata 12
Kuala Lumpur 12
Ottawa 12
Sesto Fiorentino 12
Totale 13.264
Nome #
Prevenire e contrastare il bullismo e il cyberbullismo 2.410
The competitive attitude scale (CAS): a multidimensional measure of competitiveness in adolescence 937
Florence Cyberbullying-Cybervictimization Scales (FCBVS): Factor structure and reliability in a sample of Italian adolescents 887
Il bullismo a scuola. Come prevenirlo, come intervenire. 657
Online sexual harassment in adolescence: a scoping review. 372
Le traiettorie del bullismo in adolescenza 369
I diversi volti del fallimento scolastico: ruolo dei predittori individuali e relazionali. 294
Comportamenti aggressivi nelle prime esperienze sentimentali in adolescenza 284
La prevenzione del cyberbullismo a scuola. Un approccio a molteplici livelli. 267
Comportamenti aggressivi nel gruppo dei pari e nelle relazioni sentimentali: quali continuita’? 265
Bullying among siblings: the role of personality and relational variables 263
The Coping with Cyberbullying Questionnaire: Development of a New Measure 261
Le azioni di contrasto al bullismo e al cyberbullismo 260
Apprendimento e competenza sociale nella scuola. Un approccio psicologico alla valutazione e alla sperimentazione. 259
Il ciclo della violenza: maltrattamento familiare, bullismo e dating aggression psicologico 244
Reciprocal involvement in Adolescent Dating Aggression . An Italian-Spanish study 236
Psychometric properties of the florence cyberbullying-cybervictimization scales 233
Estonian students' perception and definition of cyberbullying 225
L'esperienza sociale in un contesto scolastico multietnico. Un' indagine su bambini italiani e cinesi 222
Bulli da grandi. Amore, sessualità e violenza tra gli adolescenti 218
Cyberbullying: Labels, behaviours and definitions in three European countries 205
Empatia, prosocialità e apprendimento 204
Definition of cyberbullying among Italian adolescents: to what extent do criteria and type of behaviour matter? An investigation through the Cost scenarios 203
Self-efficacy in anger management and dating aggression in Italian young adults. 188
Evidence-based intervention against bullying and cyberbullying: Evaluation of the NoTrap! program in two independent trials 186
The teacher’s role in preventing bullying 181
Analisi longitudinale e differenze di genere nei comportamenti aggressivi in adolescenza 180
For Whom Is Anti-Bullying Intervention Most Effective? The Role of Temperament 180
Perceived severity of cyberbullying: Differences and similarities across four countries 178
Definizione e valutazione dei processi di apprendimento e socializzazione a scuola. 168
How to Stop Victims’ Suffering? Indirect Effects of an Anti-Bullying Program on Internalizing Symptoms 168
The Efficacy of the "Dat-e Adolescence" Prevention Program in the Reduction of Dating Violence and Bullying 166
Emotions of moral disengagement, class norms and bullying in adolescence: A multilevel approach. 161
Una rassegna sistematica dei nuovi programmi sviluppati in ambiente virtuale per la prevenzione del bullismo a scuola 158
Misurare il riconoscimento delle emozioni in bambini di scuola elementare 156
NoTrap! Online and School based intervention to prevent cyberbullying among adolescents. 154
The efficacy of teachers' responses to incidents of bullying and victimization: The mediational role of moral disengagement for bullying 151
Why do some students want to be actively involved as peer educators, while others do not? Findings from NoTrap! anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying program 148
Parents, family characteristics and bullying behavior: A systematic review 140
Anti-bullying programs and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs): A systematic review 140
Adolescent Dating Aggression in Canada and Italy: A Cross-National Comparison 137
Voluntary Vs Nominated Peer Educators: a Randomized Trial within the NoTrap! Anti-Bullying Program 136
KiVa Anti-Bullying Program in Italy: Evidence of Effectiveness in a Randomized Control Trial 135
Bullying and peer violence among children and adolescents in residential care settings: A review of the literature 135
Noncadiamointrappola! (Let’s Not Fall Into the Trap!) Online and Offline Peer Led Models Against Bullying and Cyberbullying 135
Il fenomeno del Dating Aggression: aspetti evolutivi e contestuali 133
Bullying in residential care for children: Qualitative findings from five European countries 132
Coping Power Adapted as Universal Prevention Program: Mid Term Effects on Children’s Behavioral Difficulties and Academic Grades 131
The Personality Trait of Environmental Sensitivity Predicts Children’s Positive Response to School-Based Antibullying Intervention 130
Level and change of bullying behavior during high school:A multilevel growth curve analysis. 129
Callous unemotional traits in children with disruptive behavior disorder: Predictors of developmental trajectories and adolescent outcomes 128
Peer education intervention: face-to-face versus online. 126
Noncadiamointrappola! Reti faccia a faccia e online per la prevenzione e il contrasto del bullismo e del cyberbullismo. 125
La definizione del cyberbullismo tra gli adolescenti italiani: quali criteri e quali tipologie di comportamento risultano essere significative? 124
Implementing Coping Power Adapted as a Universal Prevention Program in Italian Primary Schools: a Randomized Control Trial 124
Victimization among children and adolescents accessing the Meyer pediatric hospital: A retrospective study 124
Il ruolo delle emozioni morali e delle norme di classe nello sviluppo del bullismo durante l’adolescenza 123
A Pilot Study Implementing Coping Power in Italian Community Hospitals: Effect of Therapist Attachment Style on Outcomes in Children 123
Morality, values, traditional bullying, and cyberbullying in adolescence 122
Recalling unpresented hostile words: false memories predictors of traditional and cyberbullying 120
Which Dimension of Parenting Predict the Change of Callous Unemotional Traits in Children with Disruptive Behavior Disorder? 118
Definitions of cyberbullying 118
CON I BULLI NON SI SCHERZA Affrontare offese e prepotenze 114
Construct validity of a test to identify emotion in adult and child faces and adult postures, the Diagnostic Analysis of Nonverbal Accuracy 2 (DANVA2), in Italian elementary school age children 112
Codevelopment of Delinquent and Depressive Symptoms Across Adolescence: Time-Invariant and Time-Varying Effects of School and Social Failure 111
The role of traditional and online moral disengagement on cyberbullying: Do externalising problems make any difference? 111
Sensory Processing Sensitivity and its association with personality traits and affect: A meta-analysis 109
Emotional processing deficits in Italian children with Disruptive Behavior Disorder: The role of callous unemotional traits 109
Measurement of Cyberbullying:dimensional structure and relative item severity and discrimination 108
Physical Dating Aggression Growth during adolescence 108
Distinguishing spontaneous from deliberate mind wandering in adolescents: The role of attentional control and depressive symptoms: 108
null 105
Empowering Students Against Bullying and Cyberbullying: Evaluation of an Italian Peer-led Model. 104
La valutazione delle competenze sociali: strumenti e risultati 104
Indicated actions to address bullying and victimization in schools. The results of PEBUC (Protocol for Emergency in BUllying Cases) trial 100
Il fenomeno del Dating Aggression 98
Effects of a universal prevention program on externalizing behaviors: Exploring the generalizability of findings across school and home settings 96
First Adaptation of Coping Power Program as a Classroom-Based Prevention Intervention on Aggressive Behaviors Among Elementary School Children 96
Cyberbullying: Labels, behaviours and definition in three European countries 95
Adolescents’ Stress Reactions in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic at the Peak of the Outbreak in Italy 95
Do the face-to-face actions of adults have an online impact? The effects of parent and teacher responses on cyberbullying among students 94
Adolescents and Covid-19 pandemic: Stress, resilience and growth experiences. Understanding development in a multi-system perspective 94
Maternal depression and parenting practices predict treatment outcome in Italian children with Disruptive Behavior Disorder 93
Cyberbullying: conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues 91
Cyberbullying Definition Among Adolescents: A Comparison Across Six European Countries 91
Parental Mediation Strategies and Their Role on Youths' Online Privacy Disclosure and Protection: A Systematic Review 91
Positive and Negative Experiences of Living in COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of Italian Adolescents’ Narratives 90
The effect of the NoTrap! Antibullying program on ethnic victimization: When the peer educators' immigrant status matters 89
Peer support and the pupil's voice: The Notrap! Programme in Italy 89
Noncadiamointrappola! Dalla Maggioranza Silenziosa Ad Una Maggioranza Attiva. Valutazione Di Efficacia Di Un Intervento Antibullismo 88
Gli interventi sistematici e certificati 88
Online intrusiveness, online jealousy and dating aggression in young adults: A cross-national study (Spain-Italy) 87
Pathways to Resilience: The Parallel Change in Children’s Emotional Difficulties and Family Context During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy 87
Environmental sensitivity increases susceptibility to resilient contexts in adults with childhood experiences of neglect 86
Online and offline peer led models against bullying and cyberbullying 86
The longitudinal association between loneliness and depressive symptoms in the elderly: A systematic review 85
Definition of cyberbullying among Italian adolescents: to what extent do criteria and type of behavior matter? An investigation through COST scenarios 84
MDBQ - A new Measure to Assess Moral Disengagement for Bullying Situations: Comparing Different Structural Models. 84
Physical Dating Aggression in adolescence: cultural and gender invariance 83
Noncadiamointrappola! [let’s not fall into the trap!]: Online and school-based program to prevent cyberbullying among adolescents 83
Totale 19.032
Categoria #
all - tutte 46.995
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 46.995

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.081 0 0 0 0 0 0 208 239 212 149 224 49
2020/20211.863 138 143 101 180 139 167 125 131 219 240 157 123
2021/20221.274 53 86 96 62 98 76 72 88 137 76 169 261
2022/20232.884 233 357 79 146 204 386 240 133 176 341 323 266
2023/20243.821 252 203 333 307 344 291 339 569 196 416 361 210
2024/20256.433 338 691 509 1.031 2.436 1.272 156 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 21.365